
Positive parent-child relationship is beneficial for the harmony of
family and children Children's growth, people should learn to balance
the relationship between parents and children. There are some useful
suggestions for parents and children. First of all, it is very important
for parents to emphasize the importance of family time spent on
children, just like eating, going to watch sports games and watching
videos on weekends.
In addition, it would be helpful for parents
to pay attention to their children's academic performance, friendship
and extracurricular activities. In addition, children should enhance the
awareness of communication with their parents. As mentioned above,
parents and children should work together to establish a good
parent-child relationship.
In this section, you can write a short
essay in a few minutes about how to best deal with the teacher-student
relationship. You should write at least one word, but not just words.
what is a good parent-child relationship) a good parent-child
relationship should be based on mutual understanding and respect.
Parents should not impose their own ideas on their children. They should
treat their children as independent individuals.
Parents should
learn to listen to their children's opinions and encourage them. On the
other hand, they should not decide everything for their children.
Children should listen to their parents' suggestions because More
experience for them.
Try to understand when your parents have a
problem. No matter what they do, as long as it is out of love for us,
children must communicate with their parents from time to time, so that
the gap between parents and children will be narrowed.
What is a good parent-child relationship? A good parent-child
relationship should be based on mutual understanding and respect.
Parents should not impose their own ideas on their children. They should
treat their children as independent individuals.
Parents should
learn to listen to their children's ideas and encourage them to think.
On the other hand, children should listen to their parents' suggestions
because they are more experienced in dealing with their parents Try to
understand your parents when you see disagreement. Everything they do is
out of love for us.


1 在很小我就给他灌输(他想要什么或要买什么就要付出或给钱)
2 在他做的好的时候就要及时的夸他 并给于小小的奖励最好不是物质上的
3 他做错事情了千万不要立刻打骂他 要让他知道自己的错 我们做大人的要开导他让他认识自己的错
4 如果他在叛逆期 那就要费点脑了 要考虑他是因为什么叛逆 要知道怎么利用其中的利害关系
5 给他适当的独立空间 但允许并不等于完全放松



for a batter understand between 家长孩子 英语作文 跪求!

I totally understand why parents feel so uncomfortable, but there's no need to worry about. We should consider parents' original idea, they were intended to ensure that we didn't get into bad habits, and they may want to understand our study, life and thought. we should communicate with parents and tell them more should trust their children. If you think parents have difficulty with the interview. Can write letters or frank told them to your own point of view, this can know more about each other. Better to deal with this matter.


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for a batter understand between 家长孩子 英语作文 跪求!

Just like with any relationship, building a positive relationship between parent and child is one that requires work and effort to make it strong and successful. Parenting is a tough job, and maintaining close relationships and open communications helps to ensure parents and their children stay connected through all ages of their upbringing. Here are 10 simple tips for enhancing the bond between parent and child.
Tell your child you love him every day -- no matter his age. Even on trying days or after a parent-child disagreement, when you don't exactly "like your child" at that moment, it is more important than ever to express your love. A simple "I love you" goes a long way toward developing and then strengthening a relationship.
Teach your child about your faith and beliefs. Tell him what you believe and why. Allow time for your child to ask questions and answer them honestly. Reinforce those teachings often.
Create a special name for your child that is positive and special or a secret code word that you can use between each other. Use the name as a simple reinforcement of your love. The code word can be established to have special meaning between your child and you that only you two understand. This code word can even be used to extract a child from an uncomfortable situation (such as a sleepover that is not going well) without causing undue embarrassment to the child.
For younger children, reading a favorite bedtime book or telling stories is a ritual that will be remembered most likely throughout their life. Older children should not be neglected either. Once children start reading, have them read a page, chapter, or short book to you. Even most teenagers still enjoy the ritual of being told goodnight in a special way by a parent--even if they don't act like it!
Parents sometimes inadvertently miss out on opportunities to forge closer relationships by not allowing their child to help them with various tasks and chores. Unloading groceries after going to the store is a good example of something that children of most ages can and should assist with. Choosing which shoes look better with your dress lets a child know you value her opinion. Of course, if you ask, be prepared to accept and live with the choice made!
The key is to really play with your children. Play with dolls, ball, make believe, checkers, sing songs, or whatever is fun and interesting. It doesn't matter what you play, just enjoy each other! Let kids see your silly side. Older kids enjoy cards, chess, computer games, while younger ones will have fun playing about anything...as long as it involves you!
You've heard this before, and it really is important! Eating together sets the stage for conversation and sharing. Turn the TV off, and don't rush through a meal. When schedules permit, really talk and enjoy one another. It can become a quality time most remembered by young and old alike.


Last year, my father took me to a vacation in Beidai River and it was a really good time. Beidai RIver is in Qinhuang city, Hebei province and its a well-known travelling resort in China. No matter in which season, the climate there is always nice and therere no hot summers nor cold winters. The stunning sunshine, blue ocean, clean air and white beach all form the charming scenery there.不知道字数多少,自己写的。


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