


   钟的英文:clock ,读音:英 [klɒk] 美 [klɑːk]

   n. 时钟;钟

   v. 计时;打卡


   1、quartz clock [仪] 石英钟

   2、Clock recovery [计] 时钟恢复

   3、Japanese clock 座钟

   4、reference clock 参考时钟


   1、Then I turned back to my clock. 


   2、But the cosmic clock must be respected and so We do. 


   3、The sizing of the clock is half witchcraft, but you can partly influence it. 


   4、She was tired and her mind ticked away dully, mechanically, as the clock on the mantel. 









   3、近义词:timer英 ['taɪmə]  美 ['taɪmɚ] 

   释义:n. [电子] 定时器;计时器;计时员,记时员;跑表;延时调节器

   例句:He traces a path with his finger, and then starts the timer on his watch. 







   British way

   7:00 - seven o'clock

   7:05 - five past seven

   7:10 - ten past seven

   7:15 - quarter past seven

   7:20 - twenty past seven

   7:25 - twenty-five past seven

   7:30 - half past seven

   7:35 - twenty-five to eight

   7:40 - twenty to eight

   7:45 - quarter to eight

   7:50 - ten to eight

   7:55 - five to eight

   8:00 - eight o'clock

   American way

   7:00 - seven o'clock

   7:05 - five after seven

   7:10 - ten after seven

   7:15 - quarter after seven

   7:20 - twenty after seven

   7:25 - twenty-five after seven

   7:30 - half after seven

   7:35 - twenty-five to eight

   7:40 - twenty to eight

   7:45 - quarter to eight

   7:50 - ten to eight

   7:55 - five to eight

   8:00 - eight o'clock

   眼尖的小伙伴应该观察出英式和美式的差别了,就是 past 与 after 的差别

   to 的规律也很明显,30 分钟以后用 to,否则用 past 或 after

   to 也能用 till 替代, five till eight


   7:00 - seven o'clock

   7:05 - seven oh five (7-0-5)

   7:08 - seven oh eight (7-0-8)

   7:10 - seven ten

   7:15 - seven fifteen

   7:20 - seven twenty

   7:25 - seven twenty-five

   7:30 - seven thirty

   7:35 - seven thirty-five

   7:40 - seven forty

   7:45 - seven forty-five

   7:50 - seven fifty

   7:55 - seven fifty-five

   8:00 - eight o'clock

   第三种方式最为直接,就是要记住中间的数字零(0)念 oh, 不念 zero, 字母 O 的发音


   还有一点要留心的,在英式和美式中,15分钟、45分钟不要直接用数字表达,会让人听起来很不自然,用 quarter 是大众的习惯表达,同理,30分钟也是一样,用 half 替代


   fifteen after seven ✖️

   quarter after seven ✔️


   thirty after seven ✖️

   thirty to seven ✖️

   half after seven ✔️



   我们都知道 a.m. 表示上午的时间,p.m. 表示下午的时间

   那么 a.m. 与 p.m. 是什么单词的缩写呢?

   a.m. = ante meridiem (拉丁文,意为 "before noon")

   p.m. = post meridiem (拉丁文,意为 "after noon")


   12 p.m. 还是 12 a.m. ?傻傻分不清


   12 p.m. 是指吃午饭的那个中午12点

   12 a.m. 是指晚安的那个午夜12点(有点晚,记得早睡早起)

   By the way,说到缩写,再提一个 o'clock, 一些小伙伴用得滚瓜烂熟,但可能不知道是哪个单词的缩写

   o'clock = of the clock

   意为 "according to the clock",即根据时钟


   以前时钟还未发明之前,以太阳为参考点使用日晷( gui 第三声)之类的工具估算时间

   时钟发明之后,用 o'clock 特指根据时钟获取的时间,而非其他工具,虽然现在时钟全面普及了,但是这个习惯表达一直沿用至今



   What time is it now?

   What is the time?


   Could you tell me the time please?


   When does the bus arrive from Guangzhou?


   What time does the meeting begin?


   It's half after seven.

   It's quarter to eight.

   It arrives at quarter after two.

   It begins at nine o'clock.


   这里来聊一下 Clock

   时针 - hour hand

   分针 - minute hand

   秒针 - second hand

   钟面 / 表面 - clock face


   The clock has a face and two hands, the long hand is the minute hand, the short hand is the hour hand. The hour hand is on six, the minute hand is between one and two, so it's seven after six.



   可能你刚开始并不习惯这样的表达,但是通过逐步练习之后会适应的,每天看那么多次时间,以后再看时间的时候把其转为相对应的英文表达(英式 or 美式),一天至少也能练习五、六、七、八、九、十次吧,那么形成这样的英文思维指日可待,用不了多久







   钟的英文:clock ,读音:英 [klɒk] 美 [klɑːk]




   词典释义:时钟;计时器;vt.记录;记时;vi.打卡;记录时间;n. (Clock)人名;(英)克洛克

   短语搭配:Clock Tower钟楼惊魂;钟楼;尖沙咀前九广铁路钟楼;钟塔

   Alarm Clock[仪]闹钟;闹表;复位时钟;机闹表

   Corpus Clock圣体钟


   The clock said four minutes past eleven when we set off.


   The clock is simply for ornament; it doesn't work any more.


   Clocks never told the right time.


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