




   "Time tunnel" is a sequel to the blockbuster sci-fi comedy "visitor" jointly produced by Columbia and French gomont film company. As early as 1993, the release of "visitor" not only made huge box office in France and Europe, but also made good profits in Asia.



   This film is really good-looking and educational. I strongly recommend it. After watching this film, I feel that life is really wonderful. I can meet all kinds of people and learn all kinds of knowledge.



   Some time ago, my
girlfriend recommended the film Just Visiting to me.I really appreciate it.
Because the heroine of this film is a sweety girl. Just like my lively girl
friend. Of course, the hero is a little same as me. I am not a knight, but my
girlfriend is a princess in my heart.
In the beginning of
this film, it said that we will come to the future, but frist the past. It's a
really charming film. I am especially
like fairy tales when I
was a child. Now, I have grown from a baby into a
man. The mystical film
made me remember my childhood.
In the film, Jean Reno
and his servant Christian Clavier went to a castle for marrying with the
beautiful princess. But a mean minister hired
a ugly witch who use a
evil spell on them. Sadly, Jean Reno killed his fiancee. For bring the princess
back to life, the kinft ask his serwant to
find a wizard. But the
confused wizard make a mistake. He let the Jean Reno and his serwant come to the
future. Then a number of funny business happened.
In the future, the
knight see a girl who is exactly the same as his beautiful princess. In fact,
the sweety girl is his great-great-great-grandson. She has a cunning boyfriend
who called she little rabbit. And she call him big bear. But her boyfriend has
another very sexy and fashionable girlfriend who he called tiny tiger. Christian
also find his girl who worked for a fat man. They love each other at the first
time meeting. Love is so magical.
Every one is unque in
this film. Brave knight, faithful serwant,beautiful princess,lively
maidservant,attractive sweetheart and so on. I hope I can get a so romantic
love. I hope I can get a desperate journey with my girl. I hope I can always be
the knight of my princess,miss Ma. She is not only my little rabbit and but aslo
my tiny tiger.Just like I write the article with the love from the bottom of my
heart. Because I love the film, but more for my girlfriend!



   "Time tunnel" is a sequel to the blockbuster sci-fi comedy "visitor" jointly produced by Columbia and French gomont film company. As early as 1993, the release of "visitor" not only made huge box office in France and Europe, but also made good profits in Asia.



   This film is really good-looking and educational. I strongly recommend it. After watching this film, I feel that life is really wonderful. I can meet all kinds of people and learn all kinds of knowledge.


英语启蒙:绘本精读+手工游戏-Freight Train



    今天,绮爸给大家带来一本主角是火车的绘本Freight Train,曾经获得著名的凯迪克大奖——1979年的凯迪克银奖,也被美国图书馆评选为“100本必读绘本”之一。

    作者就是上面图片中的Donald Crews。Donald Crews创作了一系列关于机械的绘本,包括:《Inside Freight Trian》, 《Sail Away》, 《Short Cut》, 《Alphabatic》,《Truck》和《Freight Train》等,其中《Truck》和《Freight Train》都获得了凯迪克大奖。


    孩子们可以在绘本里看到我们已经熟悉的各种颜色的单词red、orange、yellow、green、blue、purple、black,也可以学到新的关于各种车厢的单词caboose、tank car、hopper car、cattle car、gondola car、 Box car、tender、steam engine。是不是感觉干货很多呢?


   Freight Train绘本歌曲来自绮爸学英语00:0001:46收录于话题#连续收听绘本歌曲66个

   A train runs across this track.一辆火车在这条铁轨上奔驰。


   Red caboose at the back红色的守车在最后

   Orange tank car next接着一节橙色的油罐车厢

   Yellow hopper carhuangse的V形斗车厢

   caboose 守车(列车末尾供列车职工使用的车厢);tank car 油罐车厢hopper car V形斗车厢(非常形象)


   Green cattle car绿色的运畜车厢

   Blue gondola car蓝色的无盖货车厢

   Purple box car紫色的箱式车厢

   cattle car 运牲畜的车厢(运牛,羊,猪等牲畜)gondola car 无盖货车厢 (可以运沙土,矿石等)box car 箱式车厢 (应该是最常见的运货车厢)


   a Black tender and一节黑色的煤水车和

   a Black steam engine.一节黑色的蒸汽火车头。

   tender (蒸汽机车的) 煤水车steam engine 蒸汽火车头



   这一页还有彩蛋哦:煤水车上的“1978”字样,正是这本绘本的出版年份。而火车头上的“N&A”,则是作者Donald Crews两个女儿名字的首字母。

   Freight train.运货火车。





   Going through tunnels穿过隧道

   Going by cities在城市之间穿梭












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