

胜过的英语翻译 胜过用英语怎样说

Is better than

胜过的英语翻译 胜过用英语怎样说

shèng guò
have it (all) over; have a (the) pull of (over); excel; be better than; surpass:
职业高尔夫球员通常胜过业余的。 A professional golfer usually has it all over an amateur.
你无论做什么,他总想胜过你。 Whatever you do, he'll always try to go one better.

胜过的英语翻译 胜过用英语怎样说

vt. surpass; exceed
misc. prevail over; be superior to

远远胜过 beat sb by miles; head and shoulders above; beat sb by centimetres;more than
胜过某人 have advantage over sb; have an edge over sb; prevail against a person; get the better of sb
surpass 多用以强调优点、长处、技能或质量等方面的超过。

I love myself, above everything else.
2.你无论做什么, 他总想胜过你。

Whatever you do, he'll always try to go one better.


overweigh anything else
You know I love you more than anything else.
Love triumphs anything else, love has no age, no limit and nodeath.


   1、Where there is a will, there is a way


   2、Haste makes waste


   3、All roads lead to Rome


   4、No venture, no gain


   5、Action speaks louder than words


   6、Who keeps company with the wolf will learn to howl


   7、Better a glorious death than a shameful life


   8、When in Rome do as the Romans do


   9、Two dogs strive for a bone, and a third runs away with it


   10、Constant dropping wears away a stone


   11、Killing two birds with one stone


   12、A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step


   13、Where there is smoke, there is fire


   14、Love me, love my dog


   15、Every cloud has a silver lining


   16、Time and tide waits for no man


   17、A friend is known in necessity


   18 、One tree does not make a forest


   19、One flower does not make a spring


   20、One swallow does not make a summer


   21、Where there is unity, there is victory


   22、There is no royal road to learning


   23、A man becomes learned by asking questions.


   24、It is never too old to learn


   25、Don't put the cart before the horse


   26、Better the devil you know than the one you don't


   27、Champions are made when no one is watching


   28、The pen is mightier than the sword


   29、Absence makes the heart grow fonder


   30、When the cat is away, the mice will play


   31、Nothing to be got without pains but poverty


   32、Nothing succeeds like success


   33、Nothing so bad, as not to be good for something


   34、Nothing seek, nothing find


   35、Nothing is stolen without hands


   36、Nothing is impossible (or difficult) to the man who will try


   37、Nothing for nothing and very little for a half penny


   38、Nothing comes wrong to a hungry man


   39、No sweet without some sweat


   40、No sooner said than done


   41、No practice, no gain in one's wit


   42、No pleasure without alloy (or pain or repentance)


   43、No piper can please all ears


   44、No pains, no gains


   45、No one is wise at all times


   46、No one (or man) is born wise or learned


   47、No one can call back yesterday


   48、No cross, no crown


   49、New brooms sweep clean


   50、Never too late to mend


   51、Much cry and little wool


   52、Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder


   53、Blood is thicker than water


   54、One false move may lose the whole game


   55、Never put off till tomorrow what may be done today


   56、Seeing is believing


   57、Lightly gained, quickly lost


   58、As poor as a church mouse


   59、A good medicine tastes bitter


   60、Clothes don‘t make the man


   61、Strike while the iron is hot


   62、Look before you leap


   63、To teach a fish how to swim


   64、Self-trust is the first secret of success


   65、Better late than never


   66、Rome was not built in a day


   67、Like father , Like son


   68、Well begun, half done


   69、No pains , no gains


   70、Reading makes a full man, conference a ready man, and writing an exact man


   71、Knowledge comes from diligence


   72、Many a little makes a mickle


   73、No sweet without sweat


   74、Time heals all sorrows


   75、Many hands make light work


   76、A famed person and a fatted pig are alike


   77、Sow nothing, reap nothing


   78、It is easy to be wise after the event


   79、Pride goes before a fall


   80、Let bygones be bygones


   81、A man is known by the company he keeps


   82、Turn geese into swans


   83、As you make your bed, so you must lie on it


   84、You can not make a crab walk straight


   85、 Much will have more


   86、Murder will out


   87、Misery loves company


   88、Money burns a hole in his pocket


   89、Mills of God grind slowly but sure


   90、Merry meet, merry part


   91、Men may meet but mountains never


   92、Many heads are better than one


   93、Many kiss the baby for the nurse's sake


   94、Man proposes, God disposes


   95、Knowledge is power


   96、Knowledge is long, life is short


   97、Kind words butter no parsnips


   98、Lookers-on see more than players


   99、Look not for musk in dog's kennel


   100、Let's cross the bridge when we come to it


   -The End-

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