







   snow storm:暴风雪

   snow flake:雪花

   thunder and lightening:雷电




   "风很大" ≠ the wind is big



   风大 = strong / heavy

   风小 = light



   There's a strong wind outside.

   The wind is blowing hard outside.


   Rain cats and dogs .

   例句:It rained Rain cats and dogs last night.



   It raining really hard.



   We are having a heavy rain.




    It's raining cats and dogs out there so I am soaked.





    It's really coming down out there.




   风很大的英文是:rather windy。








   问题一:“刮大风”英语怎样说? It blows hard.

问题二:外面正在刮大风 英语怎样说 1. It's windy outside./ The wind is blowing strongly outside./
The wind was blowing strongly last night.
2. The wind is getting stronger and stronger./ weaker and weaker.
3. The wind turned into a gale. / a breeze.
4. It's hard to open the e锭es because of such a strong wind.
You'd better wear a pair of glasses.
5. The hign wind was blowing for a whole day, as the result, many trees have fallen down.


问题三:张贵永是哪里人? 他是做什么的

问题四:"风刮的很大"英文怎样说 How heavy/strong the wind is!
The wind blows hea弧ily/strongly!

问题五:风刮得猛烈和雨下的大用英语怎样说 strong wind and heavy rain
The wind blows strongly,and the rain is heavy.

问题六:刮风用英语怎样说 blow wind

问题七:今天早晨雾很浓, 昨晚刮了一场大风,各用英文怎样说 The fog this morning was very thick.
There was a strong wind last night.







   1. What's the weather like today?


   2. What's it like outside today?


   3. How is the weather tomorrow?


   4. What does the weather forecast say?


   5. What will it be after the clear weather?


   6. Is the weather always like this?


   7. Is it always as hot as this?


   8. Do you like the weather here?


   9. What do you think of the weather here?


   10. What's your favorite season?






   1. What a nice day!


   2. Today is a sunny day.


   3. The sun is shining.


   4. The weather is much better than yesterday.


   5. It's going to be fine tomorrow.


   6. We'll have fine weather for the next few days.


   7. I hope the weather will stay this way.


   8. It's good to see the sun again.


   9. Lovely weather, isn't it?


   10. Fine day, isn't it?






   1. The weather is terrible.


   2. The weather forecast says it isn't good.





   1. It's Africa hot.


   2. It's extremely hot and muggy.


   3. It's blazing hot outside .


   4. With all this moisture, it feels very muggy outside.


   5. I felt like I was roasting inside house.


   6. This morning is cooler than expected.


   7. It's cools down in the fall.






   8. I hope the weather there is cold enough.


   9. The temperature has dropped a lot today.


   10. It's going to get cold fast.


   11. It's a little bit chilly out.


   12. It's freezing outside.


   13. The temperature will drop below zero.


   14. It's seven degrees below zero.






   1. As long as it doesn't rain.


   2. It's going to be cloudy tomorrow.


   3. It looks like rain.


   4. I guess it's going to rain.


   5. The paper says it might rain this evening.


   6. It's wet and cloudy.


   7. The rain is coming down.


   8. The rain is pouring down.


   9. It's coming down outside.


   10. It's raining cats and dogs.


   11. It's thundering and lightening.


   12. I hope the rain will stop soon.


   13. The rain seems to be stopping.


   14. It'll clear up soon.


   15. It seems to be cleaning up.


   16. Some of the street are almost flooded with rain.


   17. We had a lot of rain this winter though.






   1. I think there will be a strong wind.


   2. Today's a windy day.


   3. It's blowing hard.





   1. I'm afraid it won't be cold enough for a snowfall.


   2. It's starting to snow outside.


   3. It's snowing heavily.


   4. The snow won't last long.


   5. How much snow do you have in the winter in this area?


   6. The average snowfall each year is about two feet.






   1. it never rains but it pours


   2. a storm in teacup


   3. twisting in the wind


   4. rainy day

   艰难的时刻 / 困境

   5. ill wind that blows nobody any good

   有祸也有福 / 有人愁有人喜

   6, weather the storm


   7. as right as rain






   1. What's up with him today? He has a face like thunder!


   2. I'm a bit disappointed in John and David. It turned out they were only fair-weather friends.


   3. Don't worry about those two arguing, it's just a storm in a teacup.


   4. The exam was a breeze.


   5. We're snowed under at work.


   6. They're blowing hot and cold over this issue. It's impossible to know what they want!


   7. He's always working in his garden — come rain or shine.


   8. I don't want to spend this extra money. I'll save it up for a rainy day.


   9. I'm going to see which way the wind blows before asking her about a raise.


   10. You'll steal her thunder if you wear that dress tonight!


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