


   一、 初赛

   1. staying in china or going aboard for education becomes more and more popular for several years. do you think which is better?

   2. should middle school students be allowed to bring the cell phone or not?

   3. is it good or not to observe the experience

   4. city or village, which one is the best place to live in

   5. can money buy happiness?

   6. should we diet in order to keep fit?

   7. is puppy love good or bad for studying?

   8. does criticism do more harm than good to people?

   9. is it good or not for yunnan to cancel the senior high school entrance examination

   二、 复赛

   1. is it good or not for yunnan to cancel the senior high school entrance examination

   2. is it good or not for kunming to build the underground

   3. “piracy” means the publishing, reproducing of a book, cd, vcd, tape, etc. without permission. are you in favor of piracy or against piracy?

   4. do you think cosmetic surgery have a positive or negative influence on our society?

   5. should different cultures merge into each other or maintain their unique features?

   6. which is more important for hunting a job, the personal ability or interpersonal relationships?

   7. does advertisement play a positive or negative role in our society?

   8. is it good to use internet words instead of using traditional words

   9. when we see the old lying on the ground, lend a hand or not?


   1. is it a right and smart way for americans to take up the wall street and even washington d.c

   2. foreign culture has great effect on chinese culture. does the advantage of such effect outweigh the disadvantage or does the disadvantage outweigh the advantage?

   3. what does work mean to people? work to live or live to work?


关于美国是否保留夏令时(Daylight Saving Time,DST)的问题背景资料:


    直到1907年,英国建筑师威廉·维莱特(William Willett)才正式向英国议会提出夏令时的构思,主要是为了节省能源和提供更多的时间用来训练士兵,但议会经过辩论没有采纳。由于名气不及本杰明·富兰克林,所以人们很多都将本杰明·富兰克林当为夏令时的发明者而忽略了威廉·维莱特。





Daylight Saving Time (DST) begins at 2 am on Sunday, Mar. 14, 2021 with “spring forward” when most of the United States moved clocks forward by one hour and will end on Nov. 7, 2021 when clocks will “fall back.”
In Sep. 2020, during the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic, Senators Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Rick Scott (R-FL) proposed legislation to keep the United States on Daylight Saving Time until Nov. 7, 2021. Rubio stated, “Our government has asked a lot of the American people over the past seven months, and keeping the nation on Daylight Saving Time is just one small step we can take to help ease the burden. More daylight in the after school hours is critical to helping families and children endure this challenging school year.”
DST was implemented in the United States nationally on Mar. 31, 1918 as a wartime effort to save an hour’s worth of fuel (gas or oil) each day to light lamps and coal to heat homes. It was repealed nationwide in 1919, and then maintained by some individual localities (such as New York City) in what Time Magazine called “a chaos of clocks” until 1966 when the Uniform Time Act made DST consistent nationwide.
Approximately 1.5 billion people in 70 countries observe DST worldwide. In the United States, 48 states participate in Daylight Saving Time. Arizona, Hawaii, some Amish communities, and the American territories (American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and the Northern Mariana Islands) do not observe DST.55% of Americans said they are not disrupted by the time change, 28% report a minor disruption, and 13% said the change is a major disruption. However, 40% of Americans would prefer to stay in Standard Time all year and 31% would prefer to stay in Daylight Saving Time all year, eliminating the time change. 28% of Americans would keep the time change twice a year.正反方观点

   Pro 1:
Daylight Saving Time's (DST) Longer Daylight Hours Promote Safety.
Longer daylight hours make driving safer, lowers car accident rates, and lowers the risk of pedestrians being hit by a car.
Economists Jennifer Doleac, PhD, and Nicholas Sanders, PhD, found that robberies drop about 7% overall, and 27% in the evening hours after the spring time change. They stated, “Most street crime occurs in the evening around common commuting hours of 5 to 8 PM, and more ambient light during typical high-crime hours makes it easier for victims and passers-by to see potential threats and later identify wrongdoers.”
Also, daylight in the evening makes it safer for joggers, people walking dogs after work, and children playing outside, among others, because drivers are able to see people more easily and criminal activity is lowered.
Pro 2
DST Is Good for the Economy.
Later daylight means more people shopping after work, increasing retail sales, and more people driving, increasing gas and snacks sales for eight months of the year (the time we spend in DST).
The golf industry reported that one month of DST was worth $200 to $400 million because of the extended evening hours golfers can play. The barbecue industry estimated their profits increase $150 million for one month of DST. In 2007, an estimated $59 million was saved because fewer robberies were committed thanks to the sun being up later.
Chambers of Commerce tend to support DST because of the positive effect on the economy. Consumer spending increases during DST, giving the economy a boost. Compared to Phoenix, Arizona, which does not have DST, Los Angeles, California, shoppers spent 3.5% less at local retailers after DST ended in the fall.
Pro 3
DST Promotes Active Lifestyles.
When the day is lighter later, people tend to participate in more outdoor activities after work.
Hendrik Wolff, PhD, Associate Professor of Economics at Simon Fraser University, stated, because of DST “people engaged in more outdoor recreation and less indoor-TV watching… An additional 3 percent of people engaged in outdoor behaviors who otherwise would have stayed indoors.”
Michael Downing, author of Spring Forward, stated, “Baseball [was] a huge early supporter, too, because there [was] no artificial illumination of parks, so [they could] get school kids and workers to ball games with the extended daylight, they have a later start time.”

   Con 1
Daylight Saving Time (DST) Is Bad for Your Health.
Changing sleep patterns, even by one hour, goes against a person’s natural circadian rhythms and has negative consequences for health. One study found that the risk of a heart attack increases 10% the Monday and Tuesday following the spring time change.
Researchers found an increase in cluster headaches (sudden and debilitating headaches) after the fall time change.

    James Wyatt, PhD, Associate Professor at Rush University Medical Center, stated, “We’re encountering an increase in extra auto and workplace accidents on Monday or perhaps even carrying through the first week of the Spring time shift.”
In the weeks following the spring DST time change, male suicide rates rose in Australia compared to the weeks following the return to standard time in the fall.
DST increases the risk that a car accident will be fatal by 5-6.5% and results in over 30 more deaths from car accidents annually.
Con 2
DST Drops Productivity.
The Monday after the spring time change is called “Sleepy Monday,” because it is one of the most sleep-deprived days of the year. The week after the spring DST time change sees an increase in “cyber-loafing” (employees wasting time on the internet) because they’re tired.
Dr. Till Roenneberg, a German chronobiologist, who studies the body’s relationship with light and dark, notes that the human circadian clock doesn’t adjust to DST and the “consequence of that is that the majority of the population has drastically decreased productivity, decreased quality of life, increasing susceptibility to illness, and is just plain tired.”



   Debate Topic

   Side A: School is like a new home, and everything enjoyable and beneficial is available there for us.

   It is necessary for us to go to school.

   Because we need to learn knowledge.

   At school, we can learn lots of important things.These will help us succeed.

   Nobody can live without knowledge.

   There is another reason for us to go to school.We can make many friends at school.

   So everyone should go to school.

   These knowledge will be helpful in the future life and work.

   In fact, go to school is not tired, and children can play with the classmates and learn from friends.What's more,the teacher's praise is something to be proud of.

   A person's quality, vision, mind, emotional intelligence, comprehensive ability, plasticity, etc., are closely related to the knowledge learned at school.

   The society is progressing day by day, the living environment is changing, you do not have to learn the basic things in school, there is no way to learn to change and update the social knowledge and life skills.

   Although you don't go to school to learn things which later can be directly used, but it is the cognitive basis of new things after you continue to learn new things.

   Go to school can enrich our own brains and talent.

   Side B: School is usually a waste of time and money.

    I think going to school is useful but every coin has two http://sides.In my opinion,it's more harm than good.

   The majority of students were troubled by the exam results, while about a half of them were constantly haunted by their mass of homework.

   Every day the class time is to hours, there is almost no timely extracurricular activities, and there is not enough sleep time every day and even imprison our mind.

   Students can only sit in front of the desk and do their homework until midnight. The test pressure is heavy and the homework is too much. They are tired of doing a lot of homework. After the exam, they will lose the desire to learn.

    Competition among classmates also leads to a waste of money,like a high-fee after-school training facility and name brand clothing.

    The disadvantage of the education in China,I have something to say.First this kind of education is not scientific,because the real education should include many aspects: not only the cultural knowledge on books,but also the developing of the morality,character,they need the principle of behavior as a civial.The physical quality,the mental quality,are all needed to be developped during the education.The education should be overall.The simple "taking for exam' kind of education can only produce students with high marks and short of social ability and principle of behaviour.These kinds of youths cannot be a qualified human beings because they lack the human qualities and civilization,they are more likely to be robots without soul,only know earning money by anyway.These are not good for the society.

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