


   Please go to qilique,and adopt a puppy,the dogs at that place are allowed to be alive only 7days!!!! in that place many ,dogs are so cute ,and some of them are with a good breed.the dogs was sentenced to death if nobody adopt them in 7days. they will keep silence if they see the people at uniform,as long as they saw the visitors they will wave their trail ,bite
and wish someone can take them away.the empty cage is belonged to the sentenced dog. Ps:a man can only take one dog.
A black dog which is 3month old still want to play with me,但是很快会被杀掉了有只白色的小牧羊犬□前肢断了□(不太明白)others are showing themselves crazily,want to be selected by me. the selected dog was marked by the police with a yellow necklace,that mean the dog can live.other dogs in the that palace all want to get the mark.
honestly the publicity of the kennel do not work so well,lot of people don't konw they can adopt the dog from the kennel.please give the dog a chance to live. the dogs in that place are so cute, and obedient after such experience.
the adopting day only in Friday every week,before 4PM,after 4PM they are not available.
address:Shahe Town, Changping District, opposite the Xicheng Detention Center - Beijing Public Security Bureau, the dogs galvanometer.
PS:Remember to take the id card and a testimony from residents' committee to prove you have a regular live place.
When you adopt the dog, you don't need to register the account of dog,but if you don't want it go to camp massacre again,you'd better
give the dog a neat shot ,let it be one of your family, and have a cosy life.
















dog是狗,little是小的,但“little dog”不是“小狗”

   平时大家在街上看到一只小奶狗,都会指着它们说:“小狗。”对不?但是在用英语表达“小狗”的时候,可千万不要按字面意思翻译为little dog。在英语中,小乳狗或小奶狗都是有固定说法的哦。






   猪 Pig - 小猪 Piglet

   鹰 Owl - 雏鹰 Owlet




   鸭子 Duck - 小鸭子 Duckling

   鹅 Goose - 小鹅 Gosling


   牛 Cattle - 小牛 Calf

   骆驼 Camel - 小骆驼 Camel Calf

   大象 Elephant - 小象 Elephant Calf

   长颈鹿 Giraffe - 小长颈鹿 Giraffe Calf

   鲸 Whale - 小鲸鱼 Whale Calf





   熊 Bear - 小熊 Bear Cub

   狐狸 Fox - 小狐狸 Fox Cub

   狮子 Lion - 小狮子 Lion Cub

   狼 Wolf - 小狼崽 Wolf Cub

   老虎 Tiger - 小老虎 Tiger Cub





   猫 Cat - 小猫 Kitty

   狗 Dog - 小狗 Puppy

   兔子 Rabbit - 小兔子 Bunny

   羊 Sheep - 小羊 Lamb

   马 Horse - 小马 Foal

   鹿 Deer - 小鹿 Fawn

   鸟 Bird - 雏鸟 Fledgling

   袋鼠 Kangaroo - 小袋鼠 Joey

   青蛙 Frog - 蝌蚪 Tadpole

   鸡 Chicken - 小鸡 Chick



“小奶狗”用英语怎样说?别直译成Little milk dog




   小鲜肉=Little Fresh Meat?


   Little Fresh Meat (小鲜肉)is an internet buzz word in China used to describe handsome young males. It is most commonly used for celebrities, particularly a rising star.



   Internet buzz word 网络流行语

   A rising star 冉冉升起的明星



   从维基百科的这段介绍可以看出,如果你和一个老外说“Little fresh meat”,根本没人听得懂。因为外国人压根没这个概念,如果一定要解释最好的说法还是:Handsome young boys。

   小奶狗=little milk dog?

   小奶狗的英语和dog没什么关系,英语中小狗一般用puppy。但是如果用:A little puppy 来形容小奶狗,估计这么和外国人说,没人会听得懂。




   Slim 苗条,修长

   Slender 瘦但是有线条

   Lean 瘦但是有肌肉




   Delicate 精致(有脆弱的感觉)

   Pretty 长相漂亮

   Clean cut appearance 干净的长相

   Pretty boy 奶油小生(通常用来形容面容精致、本身也注重打扮的小哥们。这个词的感情色彩因人而异,有些人可能并不会喜欢你形容他是pretty boy)




   Thoughtful 为人着想

   Considerate 体贴周到

   Sweet 温柔贴心

   Reliable 靠谱的


   Distant 有距离感

   Nonchalant 冷淡



   虽然是“小奶狗”,但小哥哥们都是男友力 Max 的!Manly 有男子气概的。注意:我们常说的“很man” 其实是一个中式的表达,英语里用manly才是对的。



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