
in one go什么意思

in one go是什么意思?go 在这里是什么意思?

   in one go = in one try. go是名词,尝试的意思。
就像have a go. 是去试试的意思。
in one go就是在一次尝试之内。
successful in one go (一次尝试就成功)

in one go是什么意思?go 在这里是什么意思?

   in one go = in one try.go是名词,尝试的意思.
就像have a go.是去试试的意思.
in one go就是在一次尝试之内.
successful in one go (一次尝试就成功)

高频口语难句here we go& there you go (again)的含义和扩展用法。



   Here we go& there you go(again)是美国日常生活种以及电影中的王者,相比其他over used的短语 “no problem”,“have a good one”,“literally”,“like”,但是here we go& there you go again依然是较高阶的用法。

Here we go(here I go, here it goes)

   1. to begin smth, start doing smth or something starts.表示某人开始做一件事情或者here it goes.某个事情开始了。

   Here we go, let’s open up this box first.

   (light the fireworks, then the fireworks show begins.), here it goes.(点燃了,要开始放烟花了)

   注意:here I go 一般较少用到,如果是一个人,也会用here we go。Here不和第三人称连用,除非在是here she/he goes again里面用到(后文有讲解)。

There you go.

   1. Used to say the situation can’t be changed and one has to accept it.用来表示不得不接受一个既成的事实。

   2. Used to tell a person that he is now doing it right or has the

   right attitude. 用在告诉别人现在很好,或者方法很对。

   教练教游泳:There you go, keep going, keep your heads up, you’ve got this.

   注意: there he / she goes 是表达另外一个意思,=there he/she goes again.


   ***一个例外情况There we go.这里和we连用是表示我们成功做到某事。We have performed an action successfully. 例句:This key doesn’t seem to fit the lock,..ahh.. there we go, it’s starting to turn now.***

   There/here you/she/he/they go(again) 这里there/here和again连用时候,可以和任何人称代词连用,这时候的意思是某人经常性的行为又发生了(someone is doing something they always do),特别要注意的是there/here we go again.这个表达也是表示某人经常性的行为又发生了,但是暗含着是令人不愉快或者不希望发生的行为。It’s used when someone does something unpleasant or annoying that they often do.

   举例:每次看到大减价,lily都会不由自主的走进商店,刚好你们在大街上,她看到一个促销店,又走进去了,这时候你可以说,there she goes(again).

   每个周五下班,lucy都会去酒吧喝酒,然后醉醺醺的回家,这个周五你刚好又看到她醉回家,你可以说here/there we go(again).

here you go和here you are

   Here you go是在餐馆或者商店店员或者服务员使用频率很高的一次短语,表示“(递东西)给你”=here you are.店员们也会说here we go=here you go, 用we的可能性有两种,第一种就是一起的一群人在等餐,几个人的餐包到一个袋子里,或者几个人的餐分开包,但是一起好,然后给出去,另外一种只是指一种单纯的称呼形式,不用理解实际意思,就像写邮件或者打电话给客人的时候,你会用we来替代I 一个意思。

   下面分析下here you go 和here you are 的差别:

   Here you are 表示东西再这里,here’s the thing I’m offering or here’s the thing you need.一般不涉及到帮助别人,只是应份要做的,比如说付款给现金或者给卡的时候用,here you are=here is my cash/card.而here you go,需要你拿东西递给客人。

   另外,here you are或者here we are也可以表示终于到达某个地方了(实际存在的地方)或者找到某个丢失的东西。

   (a whole day of walk, finally arrived. )Here you/we are, this is the great wall, the most popular and famous place of interest in China

   (I can’t find my key), your bro: It’s under the cushion, here we go.


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