


   港珠澳大桥(英文名称:Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge )是中国境内一座连接xianggang、广东珠海和aomen的桥隧工程,位于中国广东省珠江口伶仃洋海域内,为珠江三角洲地区环线高速公路南环段。
港珠澳大桥于2009年12月15日动工建设; 于2017年7月7日实现主体工程全线贯通; 于2018年2月6日完成主体工程验收; 同年10月24日上午9时开通运营。
港珠澳大桥东起xianggang国际机场附近的xianggang口岸人工岛,向西横跨南海伶仃洋水域接珠海和aomen人工岛,止于珠海洪湾立交;桥隧全长55千米,其中主桥29.6千米、xianggang口岸至珠澳口岸41.6千米;桥面为双向六车道高速公路,设计速度100千米/小时; 工程项目总投资额1269亿元。
港珠澳大桥因其超大的建筑规模、空前的施工难度和顶尖的建造技术而闻名世界,大桥项目总设计师是孟凡超,总工程师是苏权科,岛隧工程项目总经理、总工程师是林鸣 。
2018年12月1日起,首批粤澳非营运小汽车可免加签通行港珠澳大桥跨境段 。2020年2月16日,港珠澳大桥管理局公布,港珠澳大桥由17日起,所有通行车辆免收通行费,直至新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情防控工作结束,具体截止日期将另行公布。2020年4月5日起,xianggang、aomen调整港珠澳大桥各自口岸通关服务时间。2020年5月3日起,恢复aomen与珠海之间的关闸口岸及港珠澳大桥口岸珠澳旅检大厅的原有通关时间 。2020年8月16日,港珠澳大桥口岸珠澳货运通道正式启用。


   港珠澳大桥(英文名称:Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge )是中国境内一座连接xianggang、广东珠海和aomen的桥隧工程,位于中国广东省珠江口伶仃洋海域内,为珠江三角洲地区环线高速公路南环段。
港珠澳大桥于2009年12月15日动工建设; 于2017年7月7日实现主体工程全线贯通; 于2018年2月6日完成主体工程验收; 同年10月24日上午9时开通运营。
港珠澳大桥东起xianggang国际机场附近的xianggang口岸人工岛,向西横跨南海伶仃洋水域接珠海和aomen人工岛,止于珠海洪湾立交;桥隧全长55千米,其中主桥29.6千米、xianggang口岸至珠澳口岸41.6千米;桥面为双向六车道高速公路,设计速度100千米/小时; 工程项目总投资额1269亿元。

英文翻译修改: 港珠澳大桥Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge

   英文翻译修改: 港珠澳大桥Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge
Source: Zhihu
(prepared by: alexcwlin; edited by: Adam Lam)
a. translated by: alexcwlin; edited by: Adam Lam
b. original provided by Nelson
a. This project, which measures 55 kilometers of structures encompassing bridge, island and tunnel, is the longest sea-crossing bridge in the world.
b. It is a 55-kilometre-long bridge-island-tunnel complex, known as the world's longest sea-crossing bridge.
港珠澳大桥管理局10月19日晚发布消息, 港珠澳大桥将于10月24日上午9时正式通车.
a. In the evening of October 19, Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Authority announced that the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge will officially be open for traffic at 9:00 a.m., October 24.
b. According to the news from the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Authority in the evening on Oct. 19th, the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge will officially start operation at 9 a.m. on Oct. 24th.

港珠澳大桥通车后, 将大大缩短xianggang到珠海、aomen三地的时空距离, 从xianggang到珠海、aomen驱车仅需30分钟的车程.
a. Once vehicles can pass through the Bridge, the time and distance traveling between Hong Kong, Zhuhai and Macao will be much shortened. Driving from Hong Kong through Zhuhai to Macao will only take 30 minutes.
b. After the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge opens to traffic, it will significantly slash the travel time between Hong Kong, Zhuhai and Macao and thereby bringing Zhuhai and Macao within easy reach at thirty minutes' drive from Hong Kong.
通车前, 如果陆路往来三地只能绕道东莞虎门大桥, 车程在3小时左右,
a. Before the Bridge is available, a car trip between those three places would take approximately 3 hours by going around the Humen Bridge at Dongguan.
b. Before the bridge's operation, it used to take around three hours if people travelled to three destinations by land, because they had to turn to the route across the Humen Bridge in Dongguan.
a. Alternatively, it would take an hour to travel over water by turbojet.
b. It also took an hour if they went by a high-speed liner.

“港珠澳三地怎样上桥?” “哪些车辆可以可以通行?” “口岸怎样通关?” “收费多少?” …… 作为一个想上港珠澳大桥兜风的司机, 你必须知道这些 “规矩”.
a. As a driver who is contemplating a spin on the Bridge, you should know certain “routines”, including: “Where do you get on the Bridge from each of those 3 locations?”, “What types of vehicles are allowed to go through?”, “How do you clear customs in each of those ports?”, “What are the toll charges for the Bridge?”….
b. "How do vehicles from Hong Kong, Zhuhai and Macao get on the bridge?" "What are vehicle types authorized to use the bridge?" "What is the process of customs clearance in the ports?" "What is the toll charge?" As a driver joyriding on the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, you should be aware of some "tips" mentioned above.
“五类车” 可上港珠澳大桥
a. Five specific types of vehicles are permitted to get on the Bridge.
b. "Five Types of Vehicles" can be bridged.
a. There are quotas for buses and taxicabs, among others, crossing the borders.
b. Both cross-boundary coaches and taxis, as well as other types of vehicles, should use the bridge under quotas.
24日九时起, 港珠澳大桥的珠海、xianggang、aomen三地口岸, 将实行24小时通车、通关,
a. After 9:00 a.m., October 24, the Bridge will allow traffic from Hong Kong, Zhuhai and Macau to go through and pass customs around the clock.
b. From 9 a.m. on the 24th, the ports of the bridge in Zhuhai, Hong Kong and Macao will open to traffic and implement customs clearance on a 24-hour basis.
a. By that time, many people will like to experience and sightsee, in person, of this century-defining engineering project.
b. Many people will flock to this mega-bridge to make a journey.



   港珠澳大桥(英文名称:Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge )是中国境内一座连接xianggang、广东珠海和aomen的桥隧工程,位于中国广东省珠江口伶仃洋海域内,为珠江三角洲地区环线高速公路南环段。
港珠澳大桥于2009年12月15日动工建设; 于2017年7月7日实现主体工程全线贯通; 于2018年2月6日完成主体工程验收; 同年10月24日上午9时开通运营。
港珠澳大桥东起xianggang国际机场附近的xianggang口岸人工岛,向西横跨南海伶仃洋水域接珠海和aomen人工岛,止于珠海洪湾立交;桥隧全长55千米,其中主桥29.6千米、xianggang口岸至珠澳口岸41.6千米;桥面为双向六车道高速公路,设计速度100千米/小时; 工程项目总投资额1269亿元。
港珠澳大桥因其超大的建筑规模、空前的施工难度和顶尖的建造技术而闻名世界,大桥项目总设计师是孟凡超,总工程师是苏权科,岛隧工程项目总经理、总工程师是林鸣 。
2018年12月1日起,首批粤澳非营运小汽车可免加签通行港珠澳大桥跨境段 。2020年2月16日,港珠澳大桥管理局公布,港珠澳大桥由17日起,所有通行车辆免收通行费,直至新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情防控工作结束,具体截止日期将另行公布。2020年4月5日起,xianggang、aomen调整港珠澳大桥各自口岸通关服务时间。2020年5月3日起,恢复aomen与珠海之间的关闸口岸及港珠澳大桥口岸珠澳旅检大厅的原有通关时间 。2020年8月16日,港珠澳大桥口岸珠澳货运通道正式启用。

港珠澳大桥英文简介 关于港珠澳大桥英文简介


2、The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge has seen over 14 million passengers as well as 1.5 million vehicles as of Wednesday, which marks the one year anniversary of the opening of the worlds longest cross-sea bridge.

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