

我的周末的一天,是m y,weekends还是m y weekend

on weekend和on weekends意思虽然都是在周末,但是前一个指在一个周末而后一个指在多个周末或在每个周末.


   My Sunday
Today is sunday ,I get up early because I want to play sports .I wear my T-shirt and my shorts.Then I go to the playground to play ping-pong with Peter.We are happy .After that ,we eat breadfast .I like drinking milk but he likes drinking juice .At 10:00,I practise playing the chess with my father .Then I eat lunch at 12:00.I will go to study English in the afternoon.Before I go to bed ,I can watch TV with my parents.
This is my Sunday ,I am really very happy .


   Yesterday was Sunday. I and my father, mother, grandparents, brother went to huangshan by bus. In the morning we came down the mountain. I saw wooded mountains, wild flowers bloom. We climb up the hill along the mountain path. Come halfway up the mountain, I feel a little tired,my shoes broke. Dad said to me,“lihua don’t do anything halfway.” So I insisted reached the top, the top of the scenery so beautiful.Since then, I've kept these shoes



   I had a happy weekend last week. On Saturday morning, I watched TV and helped my mother wash clothes. 


   In the afternoon, I cleaned three bedrooms in my house-- mine, my parents and my brothers. On Sunday, I played football in the park. 



   Then I went to my grandparents house. Grandpa played the piano! The whole family was so happy. Later, we wanted to swim. But it was too cold. This was last weekend.













   ①星期一 Monday

   又到礼拜一……Monday一词来自古英语monedæi,就是Moon's Day(月亮日)。英文童谣里面有一句是说,Monday's child is fair of face.(周一出生的孩子脸儿俏)。据说周一是请病假、上网几率最高的日子,上班第一天很郁闷么?

   ②星期二 Tuesday

   Tuesday来自于古英语Tiwesdæg,意思是Tiw's day,Tiw指英格兰古代一位独臂男神(杨过?!),是火星的象征,所以也就是火星日——大家一起火星吧!希腊人认为周二不吉利,切勿嫁娶旅行。

   童谣说:Tuesday's child is full of grace.(星期二的孩子姿态好。)

   ③星期三 Wednesday

   Wednesday来自古英语Wōdnesdæg,古英格兰神灵Woden之日,就是大家熟悉的Odin(奥丁神,某群圣斗士……)。罗曼语族中周三表示水星日。美国习语说周三是hump day(周中日),意指忙碌高峰。有这样一句童谣:Wednesday's child is full of woe.(周三的孩子泪汪汪。)

   ④星期四 Thursday

   要熬出头的Thursday来自古英语Þunresdæg,意思是Thunor's Day(古德国神话中掌管闪电的Thunaraz神之日),跟thunder接近吧?大家防雷!罗曼语族认为属木星Jupiter,也就是掌管闪电的罗马神朱庇特。童谣说:Thursday's child has far to go.(周四的孩子去远方。)

   ⑤星期五 Friday

   愉悦的Friday来自古英语frīgedæg,翻成拉丁文就是dies Veneris,也就是day of Venus(金星日),也表示女神维纳斯。

   童谣说:Friday's child is loving and giving.(周五的孩子心肠好。)美国“黑色星期五”表示感恩节之后圣诞购物季第一周的疯狂大采购!

   ⑥星期六 Saturday

   Happy的Saturday来自古英语Sæturnesdæg,拉丁文是Dies Saturni,表示Day of Saturn(土星日),一起土一下吧。同时Saturn也是罗马神话中的农神撒旦。

   童谣里面说:Saturday's child works hard for a living.(周六的孩子要操劳)。民间认为周六适合抓吸血鬼哦!

   ⑦星期日 Sunday

   快乐Sunday来自古英语Sunnandæg,是sun's day(太阳日)的意思。还有个宗教相关的别称叫Sabbath(安息日)。

   童谣里面说:And a child that's born on the Sabbath day is blithe and bonny and good and gay.(周日的孩子最可爱,漂亮开朗又愉快。)



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