

给某人打电话 英文短语

   call sb (up)
phone sb (up)
telephone sb (up)
ring sb (up)
make a phone/telephone call to sb
注:( )表示可以省略不写;/ 表示可以任意选用其一。

给某人打电话 英文短语

1 make a phone call to sb.
2 call (for) sb.
3 get in touch with sb.

给某人打电话 英文短语

   给某人打电话 的英文翻译是give sb. a call,give后一般跟的是宾语。




   vt. 给;产生;让步;举办;授予

   n. 弹性;弯曲;伸展性 [2] 

   vi. 捐赠;面向;有弹性;气候转暖

   n. (Give)人名;(意)吉韦


   1、give out 发出 ; 分发 ; 用完 ; 耗尽

   2、give up 放弃 ; 停止 ; 投降 ; 抛弃

   3、give over 交托 ; 放弃 ; 停止 ; 移交

   4、Give Love 爱得起 ; 给予爱 ; 自作曲 ; 乐童音乐家

   5、give satisfaction 使满意 ; 接受挑战 ; 使满足

   6、give life 获得额外生命值 ; 增加生命值 ; 得到额外生命值 ; 奉献一生

   7、give one 不惜任何代价




   1、He told me to give you a call over the weekend. 


   2、Please give him a call tomorrow morning. 


   3、I think you may want to give him a call. 


   4、I just wanted to give you a call? 


   5、Can you give me a call when you need a friend to count on. 


"打电话" 用英语怎样说?别翻成"call the phone"



   错误:I saw it on the newspaper.

   正确:I read it in the newspaper.

   在报纸上读到某则新闻用read,不用saw。还有,为什么是in the newspaper,不是用on呢?因为on是表面,in是里面,你读新闻当然是读内容、内涵,所以是用in。


   错误:She married old.

   正确:She married late in life.

   年纪大了才结婚,我们会用late in life,而不用old这样带有主观意见的字眼。


   错误:Don't make the office out of order.

   正确:Don't leave the office in a mess.

   out of order是指东西坏了,不能用于搞得乱七八糟这样的状况,要用leave… in a mess才正确。


   错误:I call a lot of phones.

   正确:I make a lot of phone calls.

   打电话要用make phone calls,但有些人会直接用I call the phone,直译就是打电话给电话,这样语意不通。


   call my phone

   这个短语不能直译,而直接用call sb.这个搭配。phone除了作名词“电话”的意思,还可以作动词“打电话”之意。

   call me

   phone me

   give me a call


   ①Could you call me at 10 o'clock this evening?


   ②Phone me if you are in the office.


   ③Please give me a call when you are free.



   错误:Where is the capital of Japan?

   What is the capital of Japan?



   错误:Is there any place for me in the car?

   正确:Is there any room for me in the car?

   room和place都有空间的意思。room有两层含义:一是“房间”,很具体;二是“空间”或“余地”,比较抽象。可构成make room for,意思是“给……让出地方”。place是指“场所”或“位置”,是可数名词,常用的词组有take one's place(就座、入席); in place是指在适当的位置。


   错误:Let's play together.

   正确:Why don't you come over ?

   中文常会说“一起玩吧”,但英文却不是这样的表达方式,play多半用在小孩身上;外国人惯用Why don't you come over,邀请别人一道来。至于和朋友玩在一块儿,我们则应用hang out。




Making contact
建立联系Hello/Good morning/Good afternoon ...This is X speaking.
Could I speak to ...please?
I'd like to speak to...
I'm trying to contact...  
Taking a call
接听电话X speaking.
Can I help you?  
Putting someone on hold
让某人等待Just a moment,please.
Could you hold the line, please?
Hold the line,please.  
Taking a message
接收消息Can I take a message?
Would you like to leave a message?
Can I give him/her a message?
I'll tell Mr. Jones that you called.
I'll ask him/her to call you as soon as possible.  
Telephone problems
电话问题I'm sorry, I don't understand. Could you repeat that,please?
I'm sorry,I can't hear you very well.Could you speak up a little,please?
I'm afraid you've got the wrong number.
I've tried to get through several times but it's always engaged.
Could you spell that,please?  
Finishing a conversation
结束对话Well, I guess I better get going. Talk to you soon.
Thanks for calling. Bye for now.
I have to let you go now.
I have another call coming through. I better run.
I'm afraid that's my other line.
I'll talk to you again soon. Bye.  



   Cordless telephone无线电话

   Cell phone/mobile手机/移动电话

   Phone box电话亭


   Top up card充值卡


   Phone book电话簿

2}Useful Phrases(有用的短语)

↓Introducing yourself(自我介绍)

   This is Ken.

   Ken speaking.

↓Connecting Someone(连接某人)

   I'll put you through.

   (put through-phrasal verb meaning 'connect')

   Can you hold the line?

   Can you hold on a moment?

↓Asking who is on the telephone(询问谁在打电话)

   Excuse me,who is this?

   Can I ask who is calling,please?

↓Asking for Someone(询问某人)

   Can I have extension 321?

   (extensions are internal numbers at a company)

   Could I speak to...?

   (Can I-more informal/May I-more formal)

   Is Jack in?

   (informal idiom meaning: Is Jack in the office?)

↓How to reply when someone is not available(当某人不在时,怎样回复)

   I'm afraid ... is not available at the moment.

   The line is busy...

   (when the extension requested is being used)

   Mr Jackson isn't in...Mr Jackson is out at the moment...

↓Call someone up(给某人打电话)

   To call someone on the phone.

   "I'm going to call them up later".

   "My dad called me up to tell me the bad news".

↓Call for someone(呼叫某人)

   To telephone for someone or something.

   I have to call for a taxi to take me to the airport.

↓Pick up(拿起)

   To answer the telephone.

   She picked up the phone, but no one answered.

↓Put someone through(让某人接通)

   To connect by telephone.

   "I'll just put you through to Mr.Jones,now."

↓Speak up(提高嗓门)

   To speak louder.

   "Sorry,could you speak up a little, please?because the connection isn't great."

↓Hold on(稍等)

   To wait for a short time.

   "Could you hold on a moment while I look for the file,please?"

↓Get through to someone(接通上某人)

   To succeed in speaking to someone by telephone.

   "After calling several times, I eventually got through to David."


   To become inaudible.

   "Sorry,could you repeat that, please?You're breaking up."

↓Cut off(连接断开)

   When a telephone call finishes because of a bad connection.

   They were cut off in the middle of the video conference.

↓Hang up(挂断)

   To end a telephone call by putting the phone down.

   He started shouting,so l hung up on him.

↓Call someone back(回电)

   To telephone someone again or to return a call.

   "I'll call you back later with my answer.”

3}20 Phrases for Telephone Calls(20个电话用语)

   (formal) May I speak with John Smith?

   (informal)ls John there?

   I'm calling about...

   I'm returning your call.

   (formal) One moment, please.

   (informal)Hang on a sec.

   Can you hold the line?/Hold the line/Hold on.

   He's not here.Would you like to leave a message?

   Could you ask him to call me back?

   Thanks for calling.

   Excuse me,who's speaking(calling)?

   Could you put me through to Jane?

   Could I speak (I'd like to speak) to Jane?

   I can't get through to Jane’s office.

   Where can I reach her?

   Sorry! I've got a wrong number.

   We were/got cut off.

   I can't get a signal here.

   My number is one four two nine six five.


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