

马瑶 | 当你独自学习后,室友就99种有让你难受的方法








   专科的我 需要更努力


   还记得第一次来帝弗英,当别人对我说what's your name?我都不知道她在说什么,而且我很怂的躲在我熟悉的学姐身后,跟她说:“我听不懂,我害怕,我想要回去。”







   而我所理解的是:我可以靠自己的努力去改变自己的命运,由我不由天! 所以在那一刻我找到了目标,并且我会为此去付出两倍、三倍甚至十倍的努力,因为我仅仅是个专科生。



   就这样在2019年的1月20号我开启了freshman A+的学习。当然不用说连集训营都没有上过的我肯定是班上最差的学生了。

   我是一个活跃的人,但是对于英语我却是越来越自信不起来,因为有的人可能是听力差 有的人是记性差 有的人是记得慢。而我算是所有缺点的结合体并且额外还加一个基础差。



   但我付出两三倍的努力后所获得的成果,别人依然是伸手可得。就连在freshman A+阶段的最后一次秀上我都是演的群演,也就仅仅两句话。






   因为我第一次见到学生讲诉自己的事情的时候,她会感同身受 她会一起流泪;始终把学生放在第一位并且是所有学生。从她那里我学到了内刚外刚,学到了自信。



   直到后面有一次去给Freshman A+班的小伙伴们当主持,一群陌生的面孔我要带他们一天,当时我不知道有多紧张,捏了一把冷汗就上去了,但慢慢的我发现,自己没有紧张到忘词,反而将班级气氛也带得很好。


   因为参加了练习场冠军排位赛,所以我每天早上从学校骑自行车到校区练习英语,从我一个人到一些人 一群人再到我一个人 。每天经过一条路,从朝阳到夕阳。







   在这里没有任何压力,你可以大胆的说出你的梦想,你各种丢脸的经历,没有人会嘲笑你因为We are family。

   因为帝弗英我突破了很多个第一次,第一次演讲,第一次跟老外交谈,第一次教老外说中文 ,第一次教老外包粽子,第一次带团队,第一次吃牛排,第一次打辩论,第一次得冠军,第一次走T台,第一次做梦都在学英语,第一次到长沙求学,第一次因为我的故事可以影响到他人...

   我想说这只是个开始,我的故事还未完,让我们一起期待明天 期待未来!


   往期精彩回顾学员 | 帝弗英汤紫媛获剑桥大学游学资格!这是一份从英国发来的分享

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经济学人双语精读-Going for bust(维密要破产了吗?)


   http://weixin.qq.com/r/-yrI0KjEbPUTreyz93-t (二维码自动识别)


   Going for bust


bust /bʌst/

It is taxpayers who will pay most of the bill for bailing out bust banks.
2.PHRASE If a company goes bust, it loses so much money that it is forced to close down. 倒闭
...a Swiss company which went bust last May.
以上来源于《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》Victoria’s Secret is struggling to keep abreast of changes in the lingerie market概要解读:维多利亚的秘密步履维艰以期跟上内衣市场的变化
单词释义:Keep abreast of: 与…并驾齐驱;了解…最新情况①Sex sells, and it sells few things better than lingerie. ②Nowhere is that more evident than the Victoria’s Secret fashion show. ③Befeathered models, known as “angels”, shimmy down a runway to promote America’s biggest underwear retailer. In 2011 more than 10m people watched it on television. But on December 2nd just 3.3m viewers ④tuned in (see chart on next page).

Sex sells, and it sells few things better than lingerie.
Nowhere is more beautiful than his home town.
单词释义:lingerie N-UNCOUNT: 女用内衣

Nowhere is that more evident than the Victoria’s Secret fashion show.
句子结构:同①,否定词nowhere+比较级more evident表最高级

Befeathered models, known as “angels”, shimmy down a runway to promote America’s biggest underwear retailer.
Shimmy V. 一扭一摆的走
Runway: 除了跑道还有T台的意思噢~
④词组释义Tune in: 收看,收听Victoria’s Secret has around a tenth of a global lingerie market worth $78bn, according to Euromonitor International, a research firm. ①It shows all the signs of a tired brand struggling to keep up with customer tastes. ②In America its market share has plunged from almost 33% two years ago to around 24% today, as social media and ecommerce make it easier for new brands to enter the market. Shares in L Brands, its parent company, were worth $100 three years ago; today they go for $30.③Newcomers are disrupting every part of retail, but Victoria’s Secret has made its woes worse.①It shows all the signs of a tired brand struggling to keep up with customer tastes.

a tired brand:这里指已显颓态的维密品牌,“tired”惟妙惟肖keep up with customer tastes: 迎合顾客(除此之外,我们还可以用cater to/pander to)

②In America its market share has plunged from almost 33% two years ago to around 24% today, as social media and ecommerce make it easier for new brands to enter the market.
Plunge from…to…:从…跌到…
③Newcomers are disrupting every part of retail, but Victoria’s Secret has made its woes worse.
Make woes worse:让问题变得更糟
全句翻译:新品牌正在扰乱零售的每一个环节,然而维多利亚的秘密却让自己的困境雪上加霜。When Roy Raymond started the firm in 1977, he wanted shops where men could comfortably buy lingerie for their wives and girlfriends.①Velvet sofas and② silk drapes made them look more like③ boudoirsthan places for women to find supportive ④undergarments. Leslie Wexner, L Brands’ boss, who bought the firm in 1982, added soft lighting and ⑤floral prints to give it more appeal to women, his main customers.⑥Once its chief asset, the brand’s sexiness now looks like a liability. “The way people dress has changed,” says Serena Rees, a stalwart of the industry whose most recent project is a brand of ⑦unisex underwear. “People don’t want boobs up under their chin or things pressed or pushed in.”家居表达:
①Velvet sofa:天鹅绒沙发
②Silk drapes:丝绸窗帘
③Boudoir N-COUNT 闺房
④undergarment N-COUNT 内衣
⑤floral prints:印花
⑦ unisex underwear男女皆宜的内衣
⑥Once its chief asset, the brand’s sexiness now looks like a liability.


   1. [usually singular,一般用单数] 有利条件;长处;有用的人
A sense of humor is a great asset in this business. 在这一行业中,幽默感是一大有利条件。
搭配:be an asset to sb/sth
I think Rachel would be an asset to the department. 我认为雷切尔会是这个部门的财富。
2. [usually plural,一般用复数] 〔公司的〕资产,财产
the value of a company’s assets 公司的资产价值
搭配:in assets
a corporation with $9 billion in assets 一家拥有90亿美元资产的公司


As the president's prestige continues to fall, they're clearly beginning to consider him a liability.
The company had assets of $138 million and liabilities of $120.5 million.
1977年,罗伊•雷蒙德创办这家公司时,他想要的是男士可以自在地为妻子或女友购买内衣的商店。天鹅绒沙发和丝绸窗帘让这些商店看起来更像闺房,而不是女性寻找支撑内衣的地方。莱斯利·韦克斯纳是L Brands的老板,1982年收购了这家公司。他增加了柔和的灯光和花卉图案,以增加公司对他的主要客户-女性的吸引力。性感是曾是维密的品牌优势,现在却成了不利因素。“人们的着装方式已经改变了,”瑟琳娜·里斯说,“人们不想把胸部挤到下巴那儿,也不想往文胸里塞东西。”①A slew of competitors, promoting comfort and inclusivity, have taken that message to heart. ②Aerie, the underwear arm of American Eagle Outfitters, commands just 3% of the American market but has increased its sales by an average of 11% each year since 2016, compared with an average 9% annual decline for Victoria’s Secret over the same period, according to Euromonitor. Thirdlove, an online brand which has sold over 3m bras since its launch in 2013, is growing at around 300% a year.① 单词释义:A slew of 大量的

句子结构:Aerie, the underwear arm of American Eagle Outfitters(同位语), commands just 3% of the American market but has increased its sales by an average of 11% each year since 2016,compared with an average 9% annual decline for Victoria’s Secret over the same period(过去分词作比较状语), according to Euromonitor.
精彩表达:commands just 3% of the American market 占美国市场3%的份额 (动词用command你学到了嘛? )
全句翻译:欧睿的数据显示,美国Eagle Outfitters旗下的内衣品牌Aerie在美国市场的占有率仅为3%,但自2016年以来,其销量平均每年增长11%,相比之下,维多利亚的秘密同期的销量平均每年下降9%。The newcomers have ①tweaked the old formula. Michelle Cordeiro-Grant left Victoria’s Secret, where she was a senior merchant, and went on to found Lively, an online underwear brand. She argues that what makes women sexy is cofidence, meaning an emphasis on comfort: 70% of the bras sold by Lively are ②wireless.①Tweak the old formula:扭转格局
②Wireless:无钢圈的全段翻译:新品牌已经扭转了格局。曾担任维密高级采购师的米歇尔·科德-格兰特离开了维密,后来又创立了一家名为Lively的在线内衣品牌。她认为,令女性性感的是自信,这意味舒适应予以重视:Lively销售的文胸中有70%是无钢圈的。They are eager to emphasise inclusivity, too. According to Mintel, a research firm, over half of consumers in Britain, France, Germany, Italy and Spain reckon fashion retailers should use more realistic models.①Thirdlove’s ads feature models in their 60s, or who are breastfeeding. ②Since 2014 Aerie has eschewed digital retouching for photos. The response has been overwhelmingly positive, says Stacey McCormick, an executive at Aerie. When Rihanna, a pop star, launched her Savage x Fenty line of underwear in May, the models were every size and shape. People queued for hours online to buy the products.①
Thirdlove’s ads feature models in their 60s, or who are breastfeeding.


   V. 以…为特色,是…的特征;是…的重要组成
The exhibition features paintings by Picasso. 这次展览重点展出毕加索的画作。
feature sb as sth
The film featured Brando as the Godfather. 这部影片由白兰度主演教父。

Since 2014 Aerie has eschewed digital retouching for photos.


I had eschewed politics in favour of a life practising law.
句子翻译:自2014年以来,Aerie(美国内衣品牌)一直回避数码修图。Victoria’s Secret looks ①out of touch by comparison. ②In November Ed Razek, a company executive, dismissed suggestions that its show should have transgender and plus-size models, insisting it was meant to be a “fantasy” (he had to apologise). The show does the brand a ③disservice, reckons Randy Konik, an analyst at Jefferies, an investment bank, and one of Victoria’s Secret’s knockers.①out of touch by comparison:相形见绌
②In November Ed Razek, a company executive(同位语), dismissed suggestions that its show should have transgender and plus-size models(同位语从句), insisting it was meant to be a “fantasy” (he had to apologise)(伴随状语).
精彩表达:dismiss suggestions: 否决提议
③disservice N-SING伤害
He said the protesters were doing a disservice to the nation.
他表示,抗议者们的行为正对国家造成危害。①Focusing on the need for comfort rather than male taste is good business; women purchase the vast majority of female underwear. ②“The repeat business is in basics,” says Heidi Zak, Thirdlove’s founder, not lacy luxuries. Some 12m women have used Thirdlove’s "fit finder" to determine which bra to buy. ③Easy returns alleviate customers’ worries about buying online.①
句子结构:Focusing on the need for comfort (动名词做主语)rather than male taste (比较状语)is good business; women purchase the vast majority of female underwear.
②“The repeat business is in basics,” says Heidi Zak, Thirdlove’s founder, not lacy luxuries.
词组释义:The repeat business: 回头客生意
句子翻译: “做回头客生意是基础,”Thirdlove创始人海蒂•扎克表示,而蕾丝奢侈品不是重点。
③Easy returns:退货方便Victoria’s Secret is not about to go bust.① The firm’s scale is such that with the right rebranding, it could bounce back. In November it replaced its chief executive, Jan Singer, with John Mehas, formerly of Tory Burch, a fashion retailer. Following that ②rejig Victoria’s Secret has held off on big announcements. “Everything is ③on the table,” said one executive on an earnings call last month. But ④in the wake of the ⑤#MeToo movement, it will have to tread carefully.①
句子结构The firm’s scale is such that with the right rebranding, it could bounce back(结果状语从句)
单词释义:bounce back: 反弹;迅速恢复活力
②Rejig N/V 重新安排;调整
③On the table: 在考虑中
引申:off the table 不予考虑的
④in the wake of:紧紧跟随;随着……而来
⑤#MeToo:美国反性骚扰运动全段翻译:维多利亚的秘密不会破产。该公司的规模如此之大,只要品牌重新塑造得当,它就能东山再起。去年11月,该公司将首席执行官简•辛格换成了约翰•梅哈斯。梅哈斯曾供职于时尚零售商Tory Burch。做出调整之后,维多利亚的秘密推迟了发布重大消息。一位高管上月在一次业绩电话会议上表示:“一切都在考虑中”。但随着#MeToo运动的兴起,维密必须小心行事。Women’s underwear has always been controversial. ①Fifty years ago, as the sexual revolution took off, a protest at the Miss America pageant cemented the incorrect notion that feminists burn their bras (they actually threw them in a “freedom trash can”). ②Marks & Spencer, Britons’ favourite underwear seller, was attacked on social media last month for its advertising of “fancy little knickers” as a must-have for her next to “outfits to impress” for him. ③It is in this tricky environment that retailers such as Victoria’s Secret operate.①
句子结构:Fifty years ago, as the sexual revolution took off(时间状语), a protest at the Miss America pageant cemented the incorrect notion that feminists burn their bras(同位语从句)(they actually threw them in a “freedom trash can”).
单词释义:take off 起飞;突然成功;离开;脱去。在这里指得是运动进入高潮。
Cement Vt. 巩固

句子结构:Marks & Spencer, Britons’ favourite underwear seller(同位语), was attacked on social media last month for its advertising of “fancy little knickers” as a must-have for her next to “outfits to impress” for him(原因状语).
单词释义:Knickers N-PLURAL衬裤

句子结构:It is in this tricky environment that retailers such as Victoria’s Secret operate.(强调句)

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   catwalk 英[ˈkætwɔ:k] 美[ˈkætˌwɔk]
n. 猫步; (桥侧的) 步行小道,(机器房中的)狭窄过道,(时装表演时模特儿走的)伸展台;
[例句]The models sashayed down the catwalk.
[其他] 复数:catwalks

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