
what you say是什么意思

what you say是什么意思

      what you say
      what you say 网络解释
      1. 你说什么
       cold, cold water冷冷的水 | what you say?你说什么? | when it's such...当它是这样......
      2. 你说啥
       1.What? 什么? | 2.What you say? 你说啥? | 3.Would you say it again? 再说一次好吗?
      3. 你所说的
       What you say 你所说的 | How you be 你是怎样的 | How you play 你怎样玩
      4. 你在说什么
       Jesus! Was I speaking English then?|天啊! 我这是在说英语吗? | What you say?|你在说什么? | ...don't understand it, how the ice will help.|...我不明白,要这么多冰有什么用.





      What did you say?你说什么?

      What do you mean?你的意思是什么?

      What's this?/What's that?这是什么?/那是什么?

      What happened?发生什么事了?

      What are you doing?你在做什么?



      When do you mean?你是说什么时候?

      When was that?那是什么时候?

      When is the train?火车什么时候来?

      When does the bus arrive/depart?公交车什么时候到/发车?

      When should we meet?我们要什么时候碰面?



      Where is it?那是在哪里?

      Where's the bathroom?洗手间在哪里?

      Where's the entrance/exit? 入口/出口在哪里?

      Where are you going?你要去哪里?

Where am I?这里是哪里?

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