

医学英语-3-Pain Modulation and Management

      ①Pain is an unpleasant sensation localized to a part of the body. It is often described in terms of a penetrating or tissue-destructive process (e.g., stabbing, burning, twisting, tearing, squeezing) and/or of a bodily or emotional reaction (e.g., terrifying, nauseating, sickening). Furthermore, any pain of moderate or higher intensity is accompanied by anxiety and the urge to escape or terminate the feeling. These properties illustrate the duality of pain: it is both sensation and emotion. When it is acute, pain is characteristically associated with behavioral arousal and a stress response consisting of increased blood pressure, heart rate, pupil diameter(瞳孔直径), and plasma cortisol levels. In addition, local muscle contraction (e.g., limb flexion, abdominal wall rigidity) is often present.


Pain Modulation


      ②The pain produced by injuries of similar magnitude(重要、规模) is remarkably variable in different situations and in different individuals. For example, athletes have been known to sustain serious fractures with only minor pain, and Beecher's classic World War II survey revealed that many soldiers in battle were unbothered by injuries that would have produced agonizing(令人痛苦的、痛苦难忍的) pain in civilian patients. Furthermore, even the suggestion that a treatment will relieve pain can have a significant analgesic(镇痛的、镇痛剂的) effect (the placebo(安慰剂) effect). On the other hand, many patients find even minor injuries (such as venipuncture(静脉穿刺)) frightening and unbearable, and the expectation of pain can induce pain even without a noxious(有害的) stimulus.The suggestion that pain will worsen following administration of an insert substance can increase its perceived(认为、可感知的) intensity(强度) (the nocebo effect).

      相同强度的伤害在不同的情况下,对不同的人来说疼痛得感觉是很不同的.例如:运动员可以在承受严重的骨折时只感到轻微的疼痛,比彻(Beecher's) 关于第二次世界大战的经典研究显示:一种对普通人来说难以忍受的疼痛却不会使许多处于战争中的士兵受到影响。此外,“这种处理将会减轻疼痛”的提示甚至能起到很好的镇痛效果(安慰剂效应)。但是另一方面,许多病人觉得很小的创伤(例如静脉穿刺)也会令人惊恐并且难以忍受,而且,即便不存在有害刺激时,对疼痛的预期也可以引起疼痛。“服用无活性的药物后疼痛将会加剧”的提示会加大个体对疼痛感知到的强度(反安慰剂效应)。

      ③The powerful effect of expectation and other psychological variables on the perceived intensity of pain is explained by brain circuits that modulate the activity of the pain-transmission pathways. One of these circuits has links to the hypothalamus, midbrain, and medulla, and it selectively controls spinal(脊柱的) pain-transmission neurons through a descending(向下的、下行的) pathway.


      ④Human brain-imaging studies have implicated(牵涉、暗示) this pain-modulating circuit(环线、回路) in the pain-relieving effect of attention, suggestion, and opioid(阿片类) analgesic(止痛剂) medications. Furthermore, each of the component structures of the pathway contains opioid receptors and is sensitive to the direct application of opioid drugs. In animals, lesions(损伤) of this descending modulatory system reduce the analgesic effect of systemically administered opioids such as morphine. Along with the opioid receptor, the component nuclei(nucleus的复数) of this pain-modulating circuit contain endogenous(内生的、内源性的) opioid peptides(肽),such as the enkephalins and β-endorphin.


      ⑤The most reliable way to activate this endogenous opioid-mediated modulating system is by suggestion of pain relief or by intense emotion directed away from the pain-causing injury (e.g., during severe threat or an athletic competition). In fact, pain-relieving endogenous opioids are released following surgical procedures and in patients given a placebo for pain relief.


      ⑥Pain-modulating circuits can enhance as well as suppress pain. Both pain-inhibiting and pain-facilitating neurons in the medulla(骨髓) project to and control spinal pain-transmission neurons. Because pain-transmission neurons can be activated by modulatory neurons, it is theoretically possible to generate(产生、引发) a pain signal with no peripheral noxious stimulus. In fact, human functional imaging studies have demonstrated increased activity in this circuit during migraine(单独的写出来也是偏头痛的意思) headaches. A central circuit that facilitates pain could account for the finding that pain can be induced by suggestion or enhanced by expectation and provides a framework for understanding how psychological factors can contribute to chronic pain.




      ⑦The ideal treatment for any pain is to remove the cause; thus, while treatment can be initiated(开始) immediately, efforts to establish the underlying(潜在的) etiology(病因学) should always proceed as treatment begins. Sometimes, treating the underlying condition does not immediately relieve pain. Furthermore, some conditions are so painful that rapid and effective analgesia(痛觉缺失) is essential (e.g., the postoperative state, burns, trauma, cancer, or sickle cell crisis). Analgesic medications are a first line of treatment in these cases, and all practitioners should be familiar with their use.


Acute Pain


      ⑧Aspirin, acetaminophen, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents (NSAIDs), these drugs are considered together because they are used for similar problems and may have a similar mechanism(机制) of action. All these compounds inhibit cyclooxygenase(COX), and, except for acetaminophen, all have anti-inflammatory actions, especially at higher dosages. They are particularly effective for mild to moderate headache and for pain of musculoskeletal origin.


      ⑨Because they are effective for these common types of pain and are available without prescription, COX inhibitors are by far the most commonly used analgesics. They are absorbed well from the gastrointestinal tract(胃肠道、消化道) and, with occasional use, have only minimal(最小的) side effects. With chronic use, gastric(胃) irritation(刺激) is a common side effect of aspirin and NSAIDs and is the problem that most frequently limits the dose that can be given. Gastric irritation is most severe with aspirin, which may cause erosion(腐蚀、糜烂) and ulceration(溃疡) of thegastric mucosa(粘膜) leading to bleeding or perforation(穿孔). Because aspirin irreversibly(不可逆的) acetylates(乙酰化) platelet cyclooxygenase(环氧合酶) and thereby interferes with coagulation(凝结) of the blood, gastrointestinal bleeding is a particular risk. Older age and history of gastrointestinal disease increase the risks of aspirin and NSAIDs. In addition to the well-known gastrointestinal toxicity of NSAIDs, nephrotoxicity(肾毒性) is a significant problem for patients using these drugs on a chronic basis. Patients at risk for renal insufficiency, particularly those with significant contraction of their intravascular volume as occurs with chronic diuretic use or acute hypovolemia(血容量减少), should be monitored closely. NSAIDs can alee increase blood pressure in some individuals. Long-term treatment with NSAIDs requires regular blood pressure monitoring and treatment if necessary. Although toxic to the liver when taken in high doses, acetaminophen(对乙酰氨基酚) rarely produces gastric irritation and does not interfere with platelet(血小板) function.


      ⑩The introduction of a parenteral(胃肠外) form of NSAID, ketorolac, extends the usefulness of this class of compounds in the management of acute severe pain. Ketorolac is sufficiently potent and rapid in onset to supplant opioids for many patients with acute severe headache and musculoskeletal pain.


Chronic Pain


      ⑪Managing patients with chronic pain is intellectually and emotionally challenging. The patient's problem is often difficult or impossible to diagnose with certainty; such patients are demanding of the physician's time and often appear emotionally distraught(担心的、不安的). The traditional medical approach of seeking an obscure(模糊的、未被查实的) organic pathology(病理) is usually unhelpful. On the other hand, psychological evaluation and behaviorally based treatment paradigms(范例) are frequently helpful, particularly in the setting of a multidisciplinary(多种学科结合的) pain-management center. Unfortunately, this approach, while effective, remains largely underused in current medical practice.


      ⑫There are several factors that can cause, perpetuate(使xx永久,这里可以理解为维持), or exacerbate chronic pain. First, of course, the patient may simply have a disease that is characteristically painful for which there is presently no cure. Arthritis, cancer, chronic daily headaches, fibromyalgia, and diabetic neuropathy are examples of this. Second, there may be secondary perpetuating factors that are initiated by disease and persist after that disease has resolved. Examples include damagedsensory nerves, sympathetic(交感神经的) efferent activity, and painful reflex muscle contraction. Finally, a variety of psychological conditions can exacerbate or even cause pain.


      ⑬There are certain areas to which special attention should be paid in a patient's medical history. Because depression is the most common emotional disturbance in patients with chronic pain, patients should be questioned about their mood, appetite, sleep patterns, and daily activity. A simple standardized questionnaire, such as the Beck Depression Inventory(清单,这里指量表), can be a useful screening(排查、甄别) device. It is important to remember that major depression is a common, treatable, and potentially fatal illness.


      ⑭Other clues that a significant emotional disturbance is contributing to a patient's chronic pain complaint(抱怨,这里指主诉) include pain that occurs in multiple, unrelated sites; a pattern of recurrent, but separate, pain problems beginning in childhood or adolescence; pain beginning at a time of emotional trauma, such as the loss of a parent or spouse; a history of physical or sexual abuse; and past or present substance abuse.


      ⑮On examination, special attention should be paid to whether the patient guards the painful area and whether certain movements or postures are avoided because of pain. Discovering a mechanical component to the pain can be useful both diagnostically and therapeutically. Painful areas should be examined for deep tenderness, noting whether this is localized to muscle, ligamentous structures, of joints. Chronic myofascial(肌筋膜) pain is very common, and, in these patients, deep palpation(触诊) may reveal highly localized trigger points that are firm bands or knots in muscle. Relief of the pain following injection of local anesthetic(麻醉剂) into these trigger points supports the diagnosis. A neuropathic component to the pain is indicated by evidence of nerve damage, such as sensory impairment(障碍), exquisitely(精巧的、敏锐的,这里指极其的、过分的) sensitive skin, weakness, and muscle atrophy, or loss of deep tendon reflexes. Evidence suggesting sympathetic nervous system involvement includes the presence of diffuse swelling, changes in skin color and temperature, and hypersensitive(过敏的) skin and joint tenderness compared with the normal side. Relief of the pain with a sympathetic block is diagnostic.


      ⑯A guiding principle in evaluating patients with chronic pain is to assess both emotional and organic factors before initiating therapy. Addressing these issues together, rather than waiting to address emotional issues after organic causes of pain have been ruled out, improves compliance(依从性) in part because it assures patients that a psychological evaluation does not mean that the physician is questioning the validity of their complaint. Even when an organic cause for a patient's pain can be found, it is still wise to look for other factors. For example, a cancer patient with painful bony metastases(骨转移) may have additional pain due to nerve damage and may also be depressed.Optimal therapy requires that each of these factors be looked for and treated.




      ⑰The task of medicine is to preserve and restore health and to relieve suffering. Understanding pain is essential to both of these goals. Because pain is universally understood as a signal of disease, it is the most common symptom that brings a patient to a physician's attention. The function of the pain sensory system is to protect the body and maintain homeostasis(内环境稳定、稳态). It does this by detecting, localizing, and identifying potential or actual tissue-damaging processes. Because different diseases produce characteristic patterns of tissue damage, the quality, time course, and location of a patient's pain complaint provide important diagnostic clues. It is the physician's responsibility to provide rapid and effective pain relief.



      可以用形容词Organized and disciplined



      1. -able 形容词后缀



      adjustable 可调节的 exchangeable 可交换的

      classifiable 可分类的 movable 可移动的


      audible 听得见的 credible 可信赖的

      permissible 可允许的 perceptible 可察觉的,看得出的

      2. -age 名词后缀



      breakage 损坏,破损量 marriage 结婚,结婚生活

      postage 邮费 leakage 泄露


      baggage 行李 orphanage 孤儿院

      pupilage 学生时期,学生身份 tonnage 吨位

      3. -al 形容词,名词后缀



      national 民族的,国家的 industrial 工业的

      mental 心灵的,精神的 oral 口部的,口头的


      arrival 到达,到来 denial 否认

      4. -ance 名词后缀



      appearance 出现,露面 annoyance 烦恼,生气

      conveyance 运输工具 contrivance 发明物,设计


      ascendancy 优势,支配地位 buoyancy 浮力,浮性

      5. -ant 形容词后缀,名词后缀


      accordant 一致的 ==》 accordance 一致

      distant 远的 ==》 distance 远处,远方

      errant 周游的,漂泊的,错误的===》errance 错误状态,犯错倾向

      vacant 空的,闲置的 ===》 vacancy 空白,空地

      triumphant 胜利的

      第二种,作名词后缀 以ant为结尾构成名词

      assistant 助手 disinfectant 消毒剂

      merchant 商人 defendant 被告

      6. -ar 形容词后缀,名词后缀



      lunar 月球的,阴历的 nuclear 原子核的

      familiar 熟悉的 popular 大众的,流行的


      justiciar 法官 cellar 地窖

      grammar 语法 calendar 日历

      7. -ary 名词后缀,形容词后缀


      depositary 仓库 boundary 边界线

      library 图书馆,藏书室 secretary 秘书


      honorary 荣誉的,光荣的 secondary 次要的,第二的

      customary 习惯的 military 军事的,军人的

      8. -ate,形容词后缀,动词后缀,名词后缀


      collegiate 大学的,大学生的 fortunate 幸运的

      validate 有效的 activate 活跃的


      liberate 解放,使...获自由 vaccinate 给...种牛痘或注射疫苗

      oxygenate 氧化 terminate 使终止,使结束


      advocate 辩护者 delegate 代表

      doctorate 博士学位 professorate 教授职位

      9. -dom 名词后缀


      kingdom 王国 officialdom 官员,政界(集体)


      freedom 自由,自主 wisdom 智慧

      10. -ed 形容词后缀



      coloured 彩色的 gifted 有天赋的

      aged 年老的 talented 有才能的

      11. -ee 名词后缀



      employee 雇员 inductee 就任者,应征入伍者

      standee 站票观众,站立乘客 donee 受赠人

      nominee 被提名者 候选人 abandonee 被遗弃者

      12. -en 动词后缀,形容词后缀


      sharpen 削减,模块 soften 使软化,使温和

      strengthen 使...坚强,加强 lengthen 使变长


      wooden 木制的 ashen 灰色的,苍白的

      13. -ence(-ency)名词性后缀


      ence dependence和dependent 依赖,依赖的

       difference和different 不同,不同的

       effluence和effluent 流出,流出的

       sentience和sentient 感觉,有感觉的

      ency currency和current 传播,货币。通行的,流行的

       pungency和pungent 尖锐,辛辣。 尖锐的,刺鼻的

       rugency和urgent 紧急,迫切。 紧急的,迫切的

       tendency n 趋向

      14,ent 形容词后缀,名词后缀



      absorbent,能吸收的。 absorbency,吸收能力,吸收

      indulgent, 纵容的,宽容的 indulgence,纵容,沉溺

      patient 耐心的 patience 忍耐,耐心


      correspondent 通信者 president 主席,总统,校长。

      agent 代理人,特工 parent 父母

      15 -er 名词后缀




      farmer,农民 philosopher,哲学家。

      rancher,大牧场主 ranch大牧场

      16 ery 名词后缀

      第一种 ,加在动词后边表示做...的场所

       bakery,面包店。 nursery 托儿所,保育室

      第二种 加在名词之后,可以表示 ...的场所,...的技艺,...的状况,

      性质,行为 以及表示,...的群体

       nunnery,尼姑庵。nun, 尼姑。 cookery,烹调术。(...技艺)

      slavery,奴隶身份,奴隶制度。(...身份) knavery,流氓行为,欺诈。(...行为) machinery,机器(总称)

      17,ful 形容词后缀,名词后缀


      又可引申出 表现为...的, 有...性质的。 易于...的。 可...的

      cheerful,高兴的。 careful,细心的,关心的。 harmful,有害的。

      masterful,专横的,熟练的。 useful,有用的。





      beautify,使...美丽,美化。 n,beautification,美化,装饰。

      classify,把...分等级,把...分类。 n,classification,分级,分类。

      uglify, 丑化,使难看 n,uglification,丑化

      solidify, 使固化,使变硬 n,solidification 凝固,变硬。

      rarefy, 使稀薄,使变少 n,rarefication,稀薄,纯化,纯净

      fortify,增强 n,fortification,设防,筑城,防御工事

      identify,使等同于,鉴定。 n,identification,鉴定,验明。

      petrify,使石化 n,petrification,石化作用


      一般加在名词后边,构成抽象名词,主要意思为 ...的状态或性质。


      boyhood,少年时代,男孩们。 priesthood 教士的身份,全体教士 。

      neighbourhood,四邻,街坊。 likelihood 可能性




      atmospheric,大气的。 heroic,英雄的,英勇的。

      alcoholic,酒精的。 volcanic,火山的,暴烈的

      第二种:充当原生名词后缀,表示一种思想的艺术或者体系学科。或者与...有关的人 当ic充当名词后缀的时候,对应的形容词往往由-ical结尾。

      logic,逻辑学 , logical,逻辑的。

      music,音乐的, musical,音乐的。

      rhetoric,修辞的, rhetorical,修辞学的

      critic,批评家 critical,批评性的,苛求的



      attraction 吸引力。 calculation 计算,计算结果。

      collection 收藏物 fascination 迷恋

      connection 连接物 admission 准许

      decision 决定 derivation 引出,衍生

      competition 比赛 falsification 篡改,伪造

      22,-ish 形容词后缀


      childish,孩子气的。 girlish,少女的,少女似的。

      English,英国的,英语的 bookish,好学的,书生气的。

      seventyish 70来岁的


      coldish,稍冷的 sweetish,略甜的 reddish,微红色的



      Darwinism 达尔文主义 Darwinist 达尔文主义者

      heroism 英雄行为,英雄品质 alcoholism 酒精中毒症(因...而引起的疾病)

      第二种:加在形容词后面表示 具备...的性质与状态,...的实例。与-ism相对应的形容词后缀为-ist

      colonialism 殖民主义 colonialist 殖民主义者

      humanism 人道主义 humanist 人道主义者



      Canaanite 迦南人 Israelite 犹太人,希伯来人

      Trotskyite 托洛茨基分子 laborite 劳工派成员


      hematite 赤铁矿 nitrite 亚硝酸盐


      只能与形容词或者形容词词根相缀合,构成名词,表示具有某种特征的状态,性质或事实。除了与单纯形容词和词根相结合,ity还经常加在某些带形容词后缀的单词上,所以常常可以看到 “形容词后缀+ity” 的复合形式。


      density 密度 laxity 松弛,懈怠

      sincerity 真诚


      acuity 尖锐 brevity 简短,简练

      cavity 中空,洞 unity 个体,单一性


      beauty 漂亮 liberty 自由

      royalty 王位 safety 安全



      attractive 有吸引力的 imitative 模仿的

      decisive 决定性的 expensive 昂贵的

      native 出生地的

      带有 ative和 itive的形容词

      talkative 健谈的,喜欢讲话的 tentative 试验性的,尝试的

      competitive 竞争的 punitive 惩罚性的






      criticize 批评,非难 criticism 批判,批评

      capitalize 用大写字母写,作为资本使用 capitalization 投资

      crystallize 变成结晶 crystallization 结晶,具体化


      Americanize 使美国化 Americanization 美国化

      civilize 使文明,开化 civilization 文明

      dramatize 把..改编成剧本 dramatization 改编剧本,戏剧式表演

      28,less 表否定意义的派生后缀




      homeless 无家可归的 rainless 缺雨的

      painless 无痛的


      ceaseless 不停的 ceaselessly 不停地,连续地

      tireless 不疲劳的,不倦的 tirelessly 不倦地,坚韧地

      countless 无数的


      最常用的术语后缀之一,主要与名词词根结合,意为...论,...学,...科。与logy相对应的形容词和名词人...者的后缀 分别为logical和logist


      anthropology 人类学 anthropological 人类学的 anthropologist 人类学家

      biology 生物学 biological 生物学的 biologist 生物学家

      geology 地理学 geological 地理学的 geologist 地理学家

      philology 语文文献学 philologist 语文学家

      eulogy 颂词,颂文 eulogist 颂扬者 eulogize 颂扬 eulogistic 颂扬的

      tautology 同意反复的语病,赘述 tautological 重复的,赘述的




      brotherly 兄弟般的,友爱的的 ghostly 鬼一般的,苍白的

      manly 适合男子的 monthly 每月的

      heavenly 天上的,天空的

      31,-ment 名词后缀





      enjoyment 享受 amazement 惊奇,诧异

      measurement 测量,数量,尺寸 pavement 人行道

      government 政体,政府 governmental 政府的


      fragment 碎片,碎块 fragmental 碎片的,不完全的

      instrument 工具,仪器 instrumental 仪器的,器械的

      nutriment 营养品,食物

      parliament 议会 parliamentary 议会的




      blackness,黑色 preparedness 有准备

      carefulness 小心,谨慎 kindness 好意,友好的行为

      willingness 心甘情愿,乐意




      actor 演员 conductor 指导者,管理人,导体

      refrigerator 冰箱 doctor 医生,学者,博士

      tractor 拖拉机



      depository 仓库 factory 工厂

      observatory 天文台 directory 姓名地址录


      contradictory 矛盾的,对立的 illusory 迷惑人的,虚幻的

      compulsory 强迫的,义务的 preparatory 准备的,预备的

      conciliatory 抚慰的,安抚的





      ardo(u)r,ard=燃烧。 热情,热烈

      favo(u)r,fav=施恩于。 恩惠,善意的行为

      labo(u)r,lab=劳作。 劳动,努力


      error,err=入歧途。 错误,谬误

      horror,horr=害怕,毛发直立。 恐怖,战栗

      tremor,trem=发抖,震颤 发抖,震颤,激动






      advantageous 有利的,有助于 joyous 快乐的

      murderous 谋杀的,行凶的

      monogamous monogam一夫一妻制,一夫一妻制的

      thunderous 雷声似的 bigamous bigam重婚 重婚的


      anxious 忧虑的 credulous 轻信的

      ferrous 铁的,含铁的 obvious 明显的,显而易见的

      flagitious 无耻的,罪大恶极的




      dentistry 牙科,牙科学 devilry 邪恶的行径,恶作剧

      rivalry 竞赛 peasantry 农民(总体)

      poultry 家禽(总称) vestry 法衣室

      pantry 食品室




      authorship 著述,写作 governorship 地方长官的职位或任期

      friendship 友谊,友好 dictatorship 专政

      workmanship 工艺,手艺 partnership 合伙关系

      readership 读者总数,读者群

      39,-some 形容词后缀



      fearsome 可怕的 troublesome 令人烦恼的


      meddlesome meddle=干涉,好干涉的,爱管闲事的

      quarrelsome quarrel=争吵 ,好争吵的,好争论的


      gladsome 令人高兴的 lonesome 相当孤独的,寂寞的

      40,-th 名词后缀



      growth 生长发育 stealth 秘密行动 birth 分娩,出生


      coolth 凉爽 length 长度 mirth mir=欢乐的。欢笑,高兴





      failure 失败,无作为 pleasure 高兴

      exposure 暴露 disclosure 被揭发出来的事物

      legislature 立法机构


      culture cult抚育,栽培 文化 cultural 文化的

      flexure flex=弯曲 弯曲 nature nat=出生 大自然

      picture pict=画 图片,画




      afterwards ad,后来,以后。 backward ad向后,a向后的

      homeward ad向家,a向家的,向本国的




      likewise 同样地,照样地 otherwise 在其他方面。另外,别样

      slantwise 倾斜地,歪斜地 clockwise 顺时针方向

      lengthwise 纵长地 figure-wise 就数字而言






      bump bump=颠簸 颠簸的,崎岖不平的 cloudy 多云的

      salty salt=盐 含盐的,咸的 funny 有趣的,滑稽可笑的

      sugary sugar=糖 嘴甜的,媚人的


      chilly chill=冷的 寒冷的


      sleepy 想睡的,瞌睡的

      45,-y 作名词后缀



      delivery 交付,分发 discovery 发现


      victory Victor=胜利者 胜利 soldiery soldier=军人 军队


      jealousy jealous=妒忌的 妒忌 memory memor=记住的 记忆

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