
      答案是:狗🐶采纳一下,谢谢 公元2018年为公历平年,共365天,53周。农历无闰月,共354天。21世纪第2个10年,中华人民共和国成立69周年。
      生肖: 狗
      天数: 平年,只有365天
      英文名: Twenty Eighteen
      立春: 2月4日
      农历立春: 单春



      I have been privileged to write something about English books I read and collected, it's a pleasure to do it.

      学过英语的朋友大多知道“New Concept English”(《新概念英语》)(1-4),里面精选的文章,尤其第三册和第四册都是不错的,甚者很多学习者都有背诵过里面许多篇章。这套经典教材也是陪伴了几代英语学习者。到了2017年又出现了一本双语版《西南联大英文课》,是纪念国立西南联合大学建校八十周年而再版的书籍。为什么说是“再版”,因为此书初版是当年西南联大大一学生的英文教材,陳福田教授所编写,书名是《大學一年級英文教本》(Freshman Readings in English)。


      这本书籍双语版当年一出版就深受广大学生,老师以及语言爱好者的喜欢与追捧,再版了几次,以及进行了43篇文章的全文录音,学习者纷纷写文章展示出对此书的热爱。再到后来2020年又更新出了一本姊妹篇《西南联大英文课 大二英文读本》,这次是原版,不是双语版,没有翻译,同时内容与题材更加丰富,比前面一本更厚,当然也是受到学习者们的喜爱。而这本书籍原版是1914年的书籍"College Readings in English Prose".

初版 “College Readings in English Prose”初版 “College Readings in English Prose”初版 “College Readings in English Prose”

      今天我要谈的是从《新概念英语4》到《西南联大英文课》以及《西南联大英文课 大二英文读本》里面许多文章的来源,为什么这么说,因为大家都知道,上面所提3本书籍里面基本上所有文章都是来源于英文文学作品以及报刊杂志中的节选,我们平时学习与阅读,有这么好的英语文章做材料,觉得已经是很不错了,基本上不会去探索文章原文的来源,殊不知有的节选是原书籍中间或者后面,有趣的部分还在前面,同理,节选原书籍前面的,后面有趣部分我们也看不到了,如果是热爱语言文学的朋友,又有好奇心的,这肯定会让他们有进一步探索的心。当然我就是属于那种。




      2.Facing Unpleasant Facts Narrative Essays

      3.Finding Fossil Man

      4.Man, the Inknown

      5.Of Men and Galaxies

      6.Painting as a Pastime

      7.Patterns of Culture

      8.Pieces of Mind

      9.Portraits from Memory, and Other Essays

      10.The Backward Society

      11.The Earth Beneath Us

      12.The Habit of Loving

      13.The Origin Of Things

      14.The Personality of Man

      15.The Snake


      举例《新概念英语4》第24课 Beauty 一文,节选 C. E. M. Joad Pieces of Mind里面The Book of Joad中The Catches of Life的第(3)小点中间部分,当然原文(1)-(4)全部阅读完会有不同的收获。

Beauty 节选原文Beauty 节选原文Beauty 节选原文

      后面46课 Hobbies 节选丘吉尔(Winston Churchill)的原书“Painting as a Pastime”就更加有趣了,这篇essay不长,7-32页,阅读全文也是一种享受。

Painting as a Pastime 原文Painting as a Pastime 原文


      1.A Modern Reader Essays on Present Day Life and Culture

      2.Appearances Being Notes of Travel

      3.Conciliation with the Colonies

      4.Education and the Good Life

      5.Educational Reform Essays and Addresses

      6.Freedom and the College

      7.Freshman Readings in English

      8.Freshman Readings


      10.Genius and Character

      11.Harper's Magazine December 1937-May 1938 February 1938 p246-254

      12.Historical Sketches

      13.Inside Europe

      14.Literary Taste How to Form It

      15.McClure's Magazine 1908-02 p419

      16.My Country and My People

      17.National Ideals and Problems

      18.On a Chinese Screen

      19.Self-Cultivation in English

      20.The Atlantic Monthly 1928-06 p830-831

      21.The Atlantic Monthly 1933-10 p397-398

      22.The Atlantic Monthly 1933-11 p637-638

      23.The Atlantic Monthly 1934-07

      24.The Dame School of Experience

      25.The Durable Satisfactions of Life

      26.The Essays of Elia

      27.The First Wife and Other Stories

      28.The Inn of Tranquillity

      29.The New Freedom

      30.The Principles of Psychology

      31.The Sketch Book

      32.The Yale Review 1916-07 p741

      33.Three Men in a Boat


      35.Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque


      这本书籍节选的许多文章都是经典,比如第25课 The Social Value of the College-Bred 大学生的社会价值,不仅这本书籍有节选, 《西南联大英文课 大二英文读本》同样也继续出现,它是节选1908年2月McClure's Magazine p419,文章原文可读性很强,很有哲理,自己阅读完会有不同的收获,当然英文许多好的经典文章都不过时。

McClure's Magazine 原文McClure's Magazine 原文

      第41课 What is a University 也是一篇很耐人寻味与值得思考的论文,节选作者Historical Sketches第2章

Historical Sketches 原文Historical Sketches 原文Historical Sketches 原文

      最后《西南联大英文课 大二英文读本》稍微多一点,也更加丰富,一共整理出73本原版书籍:

      1.A Guide Through the District of the Lakes

      2.A Motley

      3.A New England Nun and Other Stories

      4.A Year in a Coal Mine

      5.African Game Trails

      6.An American at Oxford

      7.Animal Sketches

      8.Bleak House

      9.Cape Cod


      11.Collected Essays IV

      12.Denry the Audacious

      13.Edgar Allan Poe

      14.England under the Stuarts

      15.From Sea to Sea

      16.Great Writers

      17.Hero Tales from American History

      18.How We Think



      21.Lay Sermons

      22.McClure's Magazine 1908-02 p419

      23.New Arabian Nights

      24.Nicholas Nickleby

      25.North Africa and the Desert

      26.North American Review 1914-04

      27.Popular Mechanics 1913-10

      28.Reflections and Comments

      29.Scientific American 1914-03-07

      30.Self-cultivation in English

      31.Sketches and Essays

      32.Table Talk

      33.The Antiquary

      34.The Atlantic Monthly 1914-01

      35.The Country Church and the Rural Problem

      36.The Discovery of the Great West

      37.The Essays of Elia

      38.The Essentials of Socialism

      39.The Forest

      40.The Four Million

      41.The Idea of a University

      42.The Independent 1913-12-18

      43.The Independent 1914-02-23

      44.The Life of Henry Labouchere

      45.The Life of John Sterling

      46.The Life of the Fields

      47.The Maclise Portrait-Gallery

      48.The Making of an American

      49.The Mountains

      50.The Nation 1910-05-12

      51.The Nation 1914-07-09

      52.The Nation 1914-08-27

      53.The Octopus

      54.The Ordeal of Richard Feverel

      55.The Outlook 1912-06-08

      56.The Outlook 1913-07-19

      57.The Outlook to Nature

      58.The Poetry of Architecture

      59.The Promise of American Life

      60.The Round Table

      61.The Story of My Heart

      62.The Under Dog

      63.Two Years in the French West Indies


      65.Under the Greenwood Tree


      67.Westward Ho

      68.Zoological Society Bulletin May 1914

      69.The Stones of Venice

      70.The Rise of the Dutch Republic

      71.The Life of Percy Bysshe Shelley

      72.The Conspiracy of Pontiac

      73.History of the English People


      里面我喜欢John Dewey(杜威)的What is Thought, 节选他的著作How We Think, 杜威给的4个思维答案可以供我们学习与借鉴,如果把他这本原版书籍阅读完,还会有其他收获,这些都是哲学方面的问题,教我们怎样去思考。

How We Think 原文How We Think 原文How We Think 原文How We Think 原文

      还有一篇文章Self-cultivation in English,这也是《西南联大英文课》最后一课43课出现过的经典,讲解英语学习的自我培养,关于英语学习文章开始作者提出了4个目标:视为科学而学习,视为历史而学习,视为娱乐而学习,以及视为工具而用之。后面主要谈论以工具而为之。正如大多数作家认为:Language is the tool of their trade. 这篇essay我一直很喜欢。

Self-cultivation in English 原文Self-cultivation in English 原文Self-cultivation in English 原文


      最后再举个例子,阅读过The China Critic(中國評論週報)1935年11月14日Yao Hsin-Nung(姚辛农)给林语堂先生一封信"An Open Letter To Dr. Lin Yutang"中,开头林语堂先生回复他的信中有一句很接地气的句子:

I cannot help remarking, however, that in southern Fukien there are round three-storeyed communal houses, forming a kind of round citadel thirty or forty feet high, entered through a big stone gate and with all the related families living together drawing water from the same well in the middle of the round courtyard.


      to take (something) out of a container, pocket, etc

      She drew water from the well. (Merriam-webster's Advanced Learner's English Dictionary)

      take or obtain (liquid) from a container or receptacle

      a wheel was built to draw water from the well (ODE)




      the sixty-ninth anniversary.

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