


      在生活中经常会听到有人说“我好无聊啊!”就会表达为“I'm so boring”。那么无聊用英语怎么说?可以说成boring吗?今天小阅阅来和大家学习一下!

      1、我好无聊啊可以说成I'm so boring吗?

      boring:意为“单调的,乏味的” 或 “无聊的,无趣的”之意,一般只能用来表达“让别人感觉无聊”这个意思。

      因此,你说「I'm so boring.」,就是在说「自己很无趣,做人很无聊」
      正确的表达是:I'm so bored.


      I am so bored right now.


      I'm so bored with my job.


      I'm bored to death.



      1)It was pretty dull:



      Life in a small town could be deadly dull.


      2)It bores me to death:



      The speeches went on for two hours. It bores me to death.


      3)Nothing to write home about:



      So a dreary Monday afternoon in Walthamstow is nothing to write home about, right?


      4)atching paint dry

      它的字面意思一目了然 (盯着墨水变干),是多么无聊的一件事啊!意思就是无聊透顶

      Listening to his lecture is like watching paint dry.


      5)twiddling thumbs


      I was just twiddling my thumbs until the phone rang.


      be weary of sth/doing sth


      6)be fed up with

      感到讨厌或厌倦,对某人或某事感到讨厌或厌倦。如果厌烦的状况持续了太长时间,让你忍无可忍,你就可以用be fed up with。

      We all became fed up with his long speech.


      The husband has been fed up with his wife's nagging.




“我很无聊”还在说 I'm boring?一句话暴露你的英语水平!



      I'm so boring!



      我好无聊 ≠ I'm so boring



      首先,先来跟大家解释一下 boring 这个词↓↓

      boring 意思是:烦人的,乏味的,无聊的,无趣的


      The movie was boring. 电影很无聊。

      The class was boring. 课程很无聊。

      如果用 boring 来形容人(person),意思就大不一样啦!意思是:这个人很无聊、很无趣

      所以当你说 I'm so boring 的时候,你以为自己表达的是:我好无聊



      A boring person. 一个无趣的人。

      Jerry is really boring and I don't wanna hang out with him.



      正确的表达是:I’m so bored.

      bored 意思是:感到无聊的,感到厌烦的


      I'm so bored with my job.

      I am so bored right now.


      If I am doing the same thing everyday, I'll get bored.




      boring 和 bored ↓↓

      The movie was so boring! I was bored.


      The class was so boring! I was bored.



      Only boring people are bored.


      口语里也经常不说明具体事情,而是用 it 指代:

      It’s so boring. 太无聊了。


      1. –ing (某物)令人感到…

      eg. The movie is boring. 这个电影好无聊。

      I am a boring person. 我是一个无趣的人

       2. –ed (某人)感到…

      eg. I am bored. 我觉得很无聊










      interested (感兴趣的)

      interesting (引起兴趣的)

      除了 I am bored,这里还有其他几个“无聊”的表达,一起来看看↓↓↓


      I'm bored to death. 我无聊死了。

      bore 做动词时有“使某人感到厌烦”的意思

      be bored to death 就是:烦得要命、无聊透顶


      Bored to tears: 无聊到哭泣,欲哭无泪


      Bored stiff: 百无聊赖,无聊透顶

      (stiff: 僵硬)

      Dying from boredom: 死于无聊

      (Boredom: n. 无聊)

      There is no even unlimited network here, and the mobile phone is very inconvenient,I'm almost bored to death.


      She's bored to death these days.


      My life is only the League of Legends, I'm bored to death.



      watching paint dry 无聊透顶



      To me, watching golf on television is about as interesting as watching paint dry.


      Listening to his lecture is like watching paint dry.



      twiddling thumbs 无所事事



      twiddle thumbs 的意思是:无所事事、无聊

      I was just twiddling my thumbs until the phone rang.


      Now the sudden break makes him uncomfortable, having nothing else to do but to gaze at the sky and twiddle his thumbs.



      be weary of sth/doing sth 厌倦某事/做某事


      She was weary of years of housework.


      Was he weary of his labours?



      be fed up with 感到讨厌或厌倦

      be/become fed up with 的意思是:对某人或某事感到讨厌或厌倦

      同义词有:get tired of, be disgusted or to get sick of


      你就可以用 be fed up with,表示你已经受够了。

      I'm so fed up with the bland food.


      I am fed up with his constant complaints.


      We all became fed up with his long speech.


      In truth, many students are fed up with the disruption.




      A bit boring


        无聊感的产生主要归咎于两个因素:一是外部的 *** ;二是自身的调节能力。不清楚自己的需要和愿望,找不到生活的目标和意义,做人就很容易会深陷在“无聊”的深渊中。那么你知道吗?下面我为大家带来无聊的英语说法,欢迎大家学习。
         英 [ˈbɔ:riŋ] 美 [ˈbɔrɪŋ, ˈbor-]
         有点无聊 kind of boring
         无聊喜剧 narrow edy
         无聊男子 Boring man
         好无聊 So boring
         很无聊 very boring
         Since losing his job, he has often experienced a profound sense of ennui.
         An obtuse, boring, or bothersome person; a pest.
         He's likeable enough, but a bit boring.
         My weekend was boring I just floated about the house or watched TV.
         When you say something is lame you mean that it is silly or it is uninteresting.
         His boring speech will bore you to death.
         Is it really necessary for me to answer all your tedious puestions?
         He spent a lot of his money on frivolous things.
         It would be very dull without you.
         But Fred was bored and desired to go home.
         Children who whine that they are bored
         Meanwhile, the boredom is excruciating.
         He felt very bored at home all day long.

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