



      NO.1 I am the master of my own destiny.


      destiny 英 [ destɪnɪ] 美 [ dɛstəni]



      master 英 [ mɑːstə] 美 [ mæstɚ]



      NO.2 My destiny isn't written in the stars, but held in my hands.


      这里的 written in the stars 是一个成语,英国人认为天上的每颗星星都代表一个人,每个人的命运都写在专属于自己的那颗星上,因此 written in the stars 表示“命中注定”。

      NO.3 My destiny is governed by me not God.


      govern 英 [ gʌv(ə)n] 美 [ ɡʌvɚn]作动词,表示:管理;支配;统治;控制。另外,我们常说的“老天、上天”,在英文表达中一般用 God 来代替。这个翻译,就把“由我”和“不由天”两个语意都包括在内了。



      The prejudice in your mind is like a mountain, and no matter how hard you try, you can't move it.


      "If you ask me whether people can change their own destiny, I will show you I don't know. As far as I am concerned, do not believe in destiny, which is the fate of Nezha."


      I will shoulder my own destiny, and by no means do I bring trouble to others.


      I am a goblin, who live a free and comfortable life, killing people without even blinking an eye and murdering people in cold blood.


      "The one that shapes my destiny will always be myself rather than the God. I have the final say of being a demon or immortal."


      Maybe the fate treats you unfairly. But never mind, just fight it to the end.


      Born as a demon, so what ?


      The viewpoints of others are nonsense. It's the truth my father taught me that who you are denpends on what you say.


      Chances to change your destiny in your life are few and far between.


      I will let people look at me with new eyes. Wait and see!



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