

# Collaboration Agreement Revenue Sharing Template
**Parties Involved**:
- Party A: [Name of Party A]
- Party B: [Name of Party B]
**Scope of Collaboration**:
Describe the nature of the collaboration project or business venture.
**Revenue Sharing Ratio**:
- Party A shall receive [X]% of the net revenue generated from the collaboration.
- Party B shall receive [Y]% of the net revenue. The net revenue is calculated after deducting all relevant costs and expenses associated with the project, including but not limited to production costs, marketing expenses, and taxes.
**Payment Schedule**:
- Revenue shall be calculated and distributed on a [monthly/quarterly/annual] basis.
- Payments shall be made within [X] days after the end of each period to the bank accounts designated by each party.
**Accounting and Reporting**:
Both parties agree to maintain accurate and transparent accounting records related to the collaboration. Each party shall have the right to audit the financial records of the project upon reasonable notice and in accordance with the agreed-upon procedures.
**Dispute Resolution**:
In the event of any dispute regarding the revenue sharing, the parties shall first attempt to resolve the issue through friendly negotiation. If negotiation fails, the dispute shall be submitted to [arbitration/mediation/litigation] in accordance with the laws and regulations of [relevant jurisdiction].
This template provides a basic framework for a revenue sharing agreement in a collaboration. It can be customized and adjusted according to the specific needs and circumstances of the parties involved.

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