


      This part of my life, this little part, is called "Happiness."

      这个人生阶段, 这小小的阶段是:“当幸福来敲门”



      外文名:The Pursuit of Happyness




      导 演:加布里尔·穆奇诺

      编 剧:Steve Conrad

      类 型:传记,剧情

      主 演:威尔·史密斯,贾登·史密斯,桑迪·牛顿



      1.I still remember that moment.


      They all looked so damn happy to me.


      Why couldn't I look like that?


      2.This part of my life is called "BeingStupid."



      3.It was right then that I started thinking about Thomas Jefferson... the Declaration ofIndependence

      这时候我想到汤玛斯•杰佛逊……还有他起草的独立宣言 and the part about our right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

      人民有生活、自由 和追求幸福的权利

      And I remember thinking:


      How did he know to put the "pursuit" part in there?

      他怎么知道“追求幸福的权利” ?

      That maybe happiness is something that we can only



      And maybe we can actually never have it.


      4.You got a dream, you gotta protect it.


      People can't do something themselves... they wanna tell you you can't do it.


      If you want something, go get it. Period.

      http://5.In essence, you reel them in, we’ll cook the fish.


      6.It was the 25th of September.


      I remember that day.


      Because that’s the day that I found out... .there wasonly 21 dollars and 33 cents left in my



      I was broke.


      7.Don’t step in the fire. We’re cavemen.


      We need this fire, because there’s no electricity, and it’s cold out here, okay?


      8.Far away from buses and noise,and a constant disappointment in my ten-gallon headand myself.


      9.This part of my life, this little part, is called "Happiness."

      这个人生阶段, 这小小的阶段是:“当幸福来敲门”

趣味英语13 | 电影中的那些经典台词13句——当幸福来敲门










































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