


      We're all for it.
      我们都赞成。That's always the case.
      总是这样。I guess so.
      我想是这样。I'll be back soon.
      我很快就回来。Are you crazy?
      你疯了吗?Don't give me that!
      别跟我胡扯!I'm in a hurry!
      我赶时间!Are you joking?
      你在开玩笑吗?Who's calling?
      谁在呼叫?How about a drink tonight?
      今晚喝一杯怎么样?What's new?
      有什么新鲜事吗?She's under the weather.
      她不舒服。It's no use complaining.
      抱怨是没有用的。What you said was quite true.
      你说的很对。It's my pleasure.
      这是我的荣幸。You set me up!
      你陷害我!Watch out!
      小心!I will be more careful.
      我会更小心的。How do you do?
      你好!Do me a favor?
      帮我个忙?You asked for it!
      你自找的!Be quiet!
      安静点!I beg your pardon.
      我请求你的原谅。See you later.
      再见。Have a nice weekend.
      周末愉快。I can't afford that.
      我买不起。I have something to tell you.
      我有事要告诉你。It rather surprised me.
      这使我相当吃惊。I have to go.
      我得走了。Follow me.
      跟我来。What day is today?
      今天星期几?What's up?
      有什么事吗?What are you doing?
      你在干什么?Great minds think alike.
      英雄所见略同。Don't fall for it.
      不要上当。The wall has ears.
      隔墙有耳。That's all right.
      没关系。May I help you?
      有什么需要帮忙的吗?I have no choice.
      我别无选择。Thank you for everything.
      谢谢你所做的一切。Thank you for your advice.
      谢谢你的建议。Time is money.
      时间就是金钱。You owe me one.
      你欠我一个人情。What should I do?
      我该怎么办?He is looking for a job.
      他正在找工作。I'll check it out.
      我去看看。Clothes make the man.
      人靠衣装。I'll try my best.
      我会尽力的。It's not your fault.
      这不是你的错。Fasten your seat belt.
      系好安全带。That's a good idea.
      那是个好主意。What time is it?
      现在几点了?Take it easy.
      不要着急。I'm full.
      我吃饱了。I see.
      我明白了。Don't be so modest.
      别这么谦虚。I know all about it.
      我全知道。That's a great idea!
      好主意!What happened to you?
      你怎么了?It's alright.
      没问题!Take care of yourself.
      照顾好你自己。I have no idea.
      我不知道。It sounds great!
      听起来很不错!Time is up.
      时间到了。Are you sure?
      你确定吗?Stop making such a noise.
      别吵了。I just made it!
      我成功了!I appreciate your help.
      我感谢你的帮助。Have you got it?
      明白了吗?That makes no difference.
      那没什么区别。He always talks big.
      他总是吹牛。What about you?
      你呢?Can I help you?
      我能帮你吗?I decline!
      我拒绝!It's hard to say.
      很难说。How are you recently?
      你最近怎么样?Don't worry.
      别担心。You are joking!
      你在开玩笑!May I have your name?
      能告诉我你的名字吗?Help yourself.
      帮助你自己。Are you kidding?
      你在开玩笑吧?I will never forget it.
      我永远都不会忘记。I am OK.
      我很好。Is there anything wrong?
      有什么问题吗?I am so sorry about this.
      对此我很抱歉。You are a chicken.
      你是个胆小鬼。How's it going?
      进展得怎么?Have fun!
      玩得开心!Don't count on me.
      别指望我。I don't know.
      我不知道。We look forward to your visit.
      我们期待着您的光临。Shut up!
      闭嘴!You're always welcome.
      你总是受欢迎的。How's everything?
      一切都好吗?I have a good idea.
      我有一个好主意。Bless you!
      祝福你!It really takes time.
      这真的需要时间。May I ask some questions?
      我可以问几个问题吗?I'm fed up with my work!
      我对我的工作烦透了!It doesn't make sense.
      这说不通。I will do my best!
      我会尽力的!How are things going?
      近况怎样?Let me see.
      让我看看。He has a sense of humor.
      他有幽默感。Let go!
      放开!That's fantastic!
      那太棒了!You're welcome.
      不客气。It's on me.
      我请客。Go for it!
      就去做吧!How are you doing?
      你好吗?I have the right to know.
      我有权知道。What's your trouble?
      你的麻烦是什么?I agree.
      我同意。Don't be so childish.
      别这么孩子气。It's against the law.
      这是违法的。I'm single.
      我单身。Enjoy yourself!
      好好享受!That's all!
      就这样!What happened?
      发生什么了?Give me a hand!
      请帮我一个忙!I can't follow you.
      我听不懂。I don't think so.
      我不这样认为。Keep it up!
      坚持下去!I'm very proud of you.
      我为你感到自豪!What do you think?
      你认为呢?Which would you prefer?
      哪一个你更喜欢?I hate you.
      我恨你。What can I do for you?
      有什么需要我帮忙的吗?I'm on your side.
      我是站在你这边的。I promise.
      我保证。What do you desire me to do?
      你希望我做什么?I'm on a diet.
      我在节食。What's wrong?
      怎么了?Move out of my way!
      给我让开!What's wrong with you?
      你怎么了?You have my word!
      我向你保证!Make yourself at home.
      别客气。I have a surprise for you.
      我有一个惊喜给你。I've got it.
      我懂了。I love you.
      我爱你。Forget it.
      忘了它。You are just in time.
      你正好及时。Don't let me down.
      不要让我失望。You're really killing me.
      真是笑死我了。Cheer up!
      振作起来!I don't mean it.
      我不是那个意思。Keep in touch.
      保持联系。Thank you very much.
      非常感谢。I'm home.
      我在家。It's up to you.
      由你决定。I have no other choice.
      我没有别的选择。How are you?
      你还好吗?You've got a point there.
      你说得有道理。I don't care.
      我不在意。I think so.
      我也这样认为。I mean it.
      我是认真的。It's going too far.
      太过分了。Who's speaking?
      谁在说话?Make up your mind.
      做个决定吧。Count me on.
      算上我。Don't move!
      别动!It depends.
      看情况。He doesn't care about me.
      他不关心我。I really enjoyed myself.


看电影学英语之实用口语 Day 67:你在开玩笑吧



电影今天是我们学习的第67天:You are kidding.你在开玩笑吧!


第67天:You are kidding.https://www.zhihu.com/video/1120650765240307712

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