


      您好,“我的梦想”用英语表达为:my dream。


       Good morning, students and teachers. The topic of my speech is dream

       Someone once asked me, what is your dream? Yeah, what's my dream? This question seems to have been asked by parents, teachers and relatives since childhood. So, what is my dream? Childhood answer, I'm going to be a scientist,may be to become an astronaut? Be an actor? Or take an examination of Tsinghua University or Peking University?

       Now, I am 18 years old. What is my dream? When I think about it, there is really no exact answer. Some people say that he wants to be an ordinary person, some people say that she wants to be a teacher, some people want to be a musician, some people want to be a gourmet. It's like I want to do everything, but I'm not good at anything. I have no way to say what my dream is, maybe a travel blogger, maybe a university teacher, maybe a civil servant, but I have expectations for the future.So my goal now is to take the postgraduate entrance exam and then slowly approach my dream.I hope my dream will come true one day, and I believe that every student and teacher present can shine in your dreams.




      (补充:有一句话很应景,很符合我们现在的我们现在年轻人的状态。小鬼:“我在想,我们现在都还年轻,都觉得有很多时间可以做自己想做的事情,追求自己的梦想。千万不要停下,千万不要放弃。想做就去做,不然会后悔,好吗?不要害怕困难,不要害怕任何挫折;摔倒了站起来继续往前冲就对了。” ​ ​​​大学四年里 花大把时间去努力沉淀自己 )


      My dream
      Everyone has their own dreams . Someone wants to be a movie star. Someone wants to be a singer. Someone wants to be a rich man. Someone wants to be an engineer. Someone wants to be a teacher. Someone wants to be a policeman.
      Well, Let me tell you something about my dream. I want to be a doctor when I grow up. Firstly, I think doctor is a intersting job. Doctor can help the patient to reduce the pain, and save others life.
      I think it is a happy and meaningful work to heal the wounded and rescue the dying. I am very interested in it .
      What's your dream ? Can you tell me?

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